Articles in Ki Tisa
Ki Tisa; Don’t Fix It
If It Ain’t Broke
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, is a pithy saying from the American South The idea is that if something has a track record of success, don’t tinker with it.
Over the last few decades, the words ‘Jewish continuity’ has become a catchphrase. What can we do …
Ki Tisa: Family
Two Subjects
The instruction to keep Shabbat appears in the Torah[1] immediately before the story of the golden Calf. On the face of it the two subjects are unrelated, Shabbat is a celebration of G-d and worship of the Golden Calf was an act of apostasy. Yet their juxtaposition must be …
Ki Tisa: Humble Pride
The Perfume of Art
G-d instructed Moses on the art of making anointment oil with which Jewish kings and priests were anointed. The ingredients included spices of the finest sort: 500 shekel weights of pure Myrrh, half of it, 250 shekel weights, of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekel weights of fragrant cane …
Ki Tisa: Are You A Forgiver At Heart?
Petty Grudges
Are you the forgiving type? I don’t mean the type that forgives after making another grovel for it. I mean the type that forgives without even being asked. If you are, well if you are, I have no words to describe you. You are perhaps an angel or a …
Ki Tisa: Money Minded
The Golden Calf
In the desert our ancestors built and worshiped a golden calf. In our enlightened age we don’t deify calves or even gold for that matter, but in some ways we still behave as if gold were indeed the object of our worship.
Ki Tisa: Grappling with Evil
Durban II
The United States has announced that it will not attend the United Nation’s second conference on Anti Racism dubbed Durban II. You might recall that the United States and Israel walked out of the first Anti Racism conference in 2001 when it turned into an evil hate fest of …
Ki Tisa: Food for Thought for your Dinner Table
Sunday: All at Once
Every Jew was required to donate a half shekel, no less and no more, yet the entire half had to be donated at once; intermittent or gradual payments were not accepted. This seems odd. The total sum was not a complete denomination, only a half, yet the …
Ki Tisa: The Anatomy of Fear
Two Fears
In his first inaugural address, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself. “ (1) Contrast that with Moses, who proclaimed, in his final address to the nation, “All G-d your lord desires from you is that you fear him.” (2)