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Articles in Vayeshev

Vayeshev: Jewish Survival

November 20, 2021 – 8:39 pm | Comments Off on Vayeshev: Jewish Survival963 views

What is the secret that has enabled the Jewish survival over two thousand years of our diaspora?
Two weeks ago, we read about Jacob’s sojourn in his uncle Laban’s home. Last week we read about Jacob’s harrowing return journey home. Among many other challenges, he encountered his brother Esau, and they …

Vayeshev: Dare to Dream

December 20, 2019 – 10:20 am | Comments Off on Vayeshev: Dare to Dream1,559 views

Dream on, is an expression we use when someone shares a hope that seems fantastical. To dare to dream is to have the courage to think beyond the box; to push the envelope. Plans that people dismiss as impossible, are the stuff of dreams. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a …

Vayeshev: My Brother’s Keeper

November 24, 2018 – 9:43 pm | Comments Off on Vayeshev: My Brother’s Keeper2,413 views

Cain famously asked, “am I my brother’s keeper?” History has not taken kindly to Cain and has responded with a resounding yes, you are your brother’s keeper. But Cain had done ill by Abel. What if it is the reverse, suppose your brother does ill by you, are you still …

Vayeshev: Prosperity

December 2, 2017 – 11:20 pm | Comments Off on Vayeshev: Prosperity2,483 views

After Jacob returned from Haran, where he contended with the avarice and deceit of his uncle Laban, he was forced to face his long-standing nemesis and brother Esau. Once that was done, Jacob sought to settle down and raise his family in relative peace and comfort. He hoped to enjoy …

Vayeshev: Identity Crisis

December 15, 2015 – 10:58 pm | Comments Off on Vayeshev: Identity Crisis2,861 views
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The Schism
Are you different things to different people? Do your workplace and home environment support conflicting values? Is your social culture different from your religious culture? Does your family live by one ethos and your neighbors by another?
How do you deal with the dichotomy? Do you blend in wherever you …

Vayeshev: At Home

December 6, 2014 – 9:09 pm | Comments Off on Vayeshev: At Home3,948 views
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Where We Feel At Home
The story is told of a Chassid who would travel on business to St Petersburg and return home to his Rebbe’s court. In St. Petersburg he would don modern attire and mingle with his business colleagues, at home he reverted to the Chassid’s garb.
Feeling uncomfortable with …

Vayeshev: You Are A Gem

November 17, 2013 – 12:06 am | Comments Off on Vayeshev: You Are A Gem3,947 views
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Two Names
G-d appeared to Jacob and said, “Your name is Jacob. Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name.”[1]  Nevertheless, the Torah continues to make repeated use of both names, Jacob and Israel, in every following chapter until Jacob’s death. This is because the …

Vayeshev: Our Children

December 2, 2012 – 4:36 am | Comments Off on Vayeshev: Our Children3,607 views
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Give Me A Break!
After years of wandering, labor and suffering, Jacob returned to his father’s home. All he desired was some peace and quiet to pursue his spiritual goals without distraction. But G-d had a different plan. No sooner had Jacob caught his breath, when tension began to brew between …