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Articles tagged with: light

The Lightkeeper

January 27, 2024 – 8:35 pm | Comments Off on The Lightkeeper370 views

Boston Light, the first lighthouse to be built in what would become the United States was also the last lighthouse to have an official keeper. Sally Snowman stepped down from the role as the world slipped into 2024.


Chanukah: Light in the Dark

December 2, 2018 – 9:50 pm | Comments Off on Chanukah: Light in the Dark1,930 views

The Chanukah candles usher light into darkness and warmth into cold. They are kindled as the sun sets and they are placed strategically in the window or doorway to catch the attention of passerby. This point is essential to Chanukah candles. After the streets have emptied of foot traffic, one …

Ki Tisa: Make Light

March 16, 2017 – 9:59 am | Comments Off on Ki Tisa: Make Light2,679 views

Shabbat Candles
Don’t make light of Shabbat. Make light for Shabbat.
A child came home from a Hebrew lesson and told her parents that she wanted to make light for Shabbat by lighting candles. The parents agreed to satisfy her whim and lit candles as the sun set on Friday. As they …

Bamidbar: Positive Thought

May 18, 2014 – 3:38 am | Comments Off on Bamidbar: Positive Thought2,848 views
positive thought -

Is Optimism Naive?
Are you confident about the future? There are those who are frustratingly optimistic. No matter what the present, their faith in mankind, destiny and G-d’s basic commitment to goodness is unshakable. Others are more jaded. They look at the current state of affairs and take a dismal view …

Canukah: Despite the Odds

November 21, 2013 – 6:50 pm | Comments Off on Canukah: Despite the Odds9,597 views
despite the odds - innerstream

The Source of Light
In the course of life there are times of joy and of melancholy. When we are surrounded by friends and a constructive support network, when we are successful at home and at work, when we are satisfied with personal progress and development it is easy to coast …

Vayera: A Nation of Twinkling Stars

November 2, 2008 – 1:51 am | Comments Off on Vayera: A Nation of Twinkling Stars3,557 views
twinkling stars - innerstream

Flickering Flames
The first snow of the winter is always a delight, but not when it arrives in October.


Noach: Seeds of Light

October 28, 2008 – 3:44 am | Comments Off on Noach: Seeds of Light2,724 views
seeds of light - innerstream

Oy – A Tzoro
Have you ever been “oif tzoros?” It’s a prominent Yiddish aphorism that means “in trouble.” If your mother gave you shopping money and you lost it in a bad bet then you are “oif tzoros.” If your wife caught you drinking with friends while you claimed to …

B’haalotcha: The Silent Flame

June 14, 2006 – 4:47 pm | Comments Off on B’haalotcha: The Silent Flame2,815 views
Flame from HEaven

Hardly any Splash at all
One of the criteria by which professional high divers are rated is their smooth water entrance and the resultant splash factor.
