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Pinchas »

Going Against Your Grain

July 20, 2024 – 11:25 pm | Comments Off on Going Against Your Grain

Pinchas went against his grain when he slayed the Jewish prince Zimri who was openly cohabitateing with the Midianite princess Kazbi. Kazbi’s father, a powerful Midianite prince, coerced her into venturing among the Jewish men as a common harlot. Zimri, a Jewish prince grabbed her by the hair and dragged her before Moses. “Moses,” he shouted. “If I am not permitted to sleep with this woman, who permitted you to marry Tziporah the Midianite?” Zimri proceeded to debase the reluctant Kazbi in public.

Aghast, Pinchas watched Moses stand silently by. He screamed to his great uncle, “Moses, did you not teach us that men who behave like Zimri may be executed by zealots?” Moses did not say yes or no. He said, “The reader of the letter is the agent of its execution.” Pinchas rose like a warrior with spear in hand and slayed the licentious couple. G-d appeared to Moses and told him to inform Pinchas that his act had restored the peace. Read the full story »

Lift Up, Don’t Put Down

July 6, 2024 – 11:26 pm | Comments Off on Lift Up, Don’t Put Down

On occasion, we all need to correct or critique someone. It might be a colleague, employee, sibling, child, or even a spouse. How do you tend to do it? Would you say something like, “You’re doing it all wrong, here watch me,” or “Let me show you a more efficient …

The Rebbe, Thirty Years

June 29, 2024 – 11:16 pm | Comments Off on The Rebbe, Thirty Years

Tuesday, July 9, the 3rd of Tamuz, will be thirty years since the passing of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, my mentor, teacher, and inspiration. He was not just my Rebbe. He was the Rebbe of the people. Jews from far and wide consulted him. They sought his advice, …

G-d Is Knocking, Answer the Call

June 23, 2024 – 12:05 am | Comments Off on G-d Is Knocking, Answer the Call

Moses appointed twelve emissaries to scout out the Holy Land and return with a report. The representative for the tribe of Ephraim was Moses’ primary disciple, Joshua. Until this time, the lad’s name was Oshua. But Moses added a letter to his name and called him Joshua.
Rashi, the famed eleventh …

Our Inherent Need to Matter

June 15, 2024 – 11:38 pm | Comments Off on Our Inherent Need to Matter

Would you rather earn a meager salary or be a kept man or woman and live in luxury? Most people like to live in luxury, but not at the price of their self-image and soul.
Reflecting on our early history, G-d lovingly proclaimed to Jeremiah (2:2), “Go and call out in …

The Ultra Orthodox Draft

June 8, 2024 – 11:29 pm | Comments Off on The Ultra Orthodox Draft

Amid Israel’s war in Gaza, there is talk of drafting yeshivah students into the army to bolster its ranks. On Shavuot, we celebrate the anniversary of receiving the Torah, so I want to write about the role of Torah in war. The Torah is not just a dusty old book …

We Are Not Victims

June 2, 2024 – 1:14 am | Comments Off on We Are Not Victims

This Shabbat, the 2’nd of Sivan, will be three-thousand-three-hundred-thirty-six years since G-d declared us a kingdom of princes. However, when our enemies take potshots at our children’s schools, it is hard to feel like a kingdom of princes. Nevertheless, that was precisely how I felt when I watched footage of …

The Real You

May 25, 2024 – 10:48 pm | Comments Off on The Real You
real you

Michelangelo once said, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”
The essence of every Jew is a beautiful perfect soul. It is unmarred by ego, immaturity, insecurity, obsession, or any other form of human weakness. This beautiful soul, more pristine than the angel in …

Are We Equal?

May 18, 2024 – 10:56 pm | Comments Off on Are We Equal?

Are we truly equal? We all know someone smarter, wiser, more capable, industrious, resourceful, or creative, than us. We also know people less wise, capable, industrious, resourceful, or creative than us. So, are we truly equal?
The answer is yes, but not because we are all equally capable. Our skill sets …