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Articles in Tetzaveh

The Superbowl Grind

February 17, 2024 – 9:42 pm | Comments Off on The Superbowl Grind346 views

Every year, the world gears up for the Superbowl, and even people who don’t follow football take an interest. Somehow, the NFL has captured the imagination of the masses; the show, the glitz, the contest, and the party combine to make it an entertaining evening.
The fans see the final product. …

Happy Birthday

February 25, 2023 – 9:36 pm | Comments Off on Happy Birthday2,865 views

Tetzaveh: The Gift of a Birthday
Moses’ birthday was on the seventh of Adar. The Shabbat before Purim is almost always in the week of Moses’ birthday so let’s use this opportunity to discuss what it means to be born. Many think of birth as the beginning of our story, but …

Tetzaveh: Desperate for Mashiach

February 5, 2022 – 10:40 pm | Comments Off on Tetzaveh: Desperate for Mashiach2,714 views

Are you desperate for Mashiach? If so, why? You live in the most stable and prosperous generation that Jews have experienced since the beginning of our exile. Why do you need Mashiach? You are not oppressed, suffering, impoverished, or persecuted. You are living well, you have the admiration of your …

Tetzaveh: The Afterlife

February 10, 2019 – 12:14 am | Comments Off on Tetzaveh: The Afterlife1,790 views

This week we marked the Yahrtzeit of Moses, who passed away on the 7th of Adar, 3488 or 1273 BCE. This was just 33 days before Joshua led the Jews into Israel. We know this because the Jews crossed into Israel on the 13th of Nissan. We also know that …

Tetzveh: Good to the Last Drop

February 17, 2018 – 10:59 pm | Comments Off on Tetzveh: Good to the Last Drop4,394 views

Are you a first drop or a last drop kind of person? When you squeeze an olive, the first drop is the purest, the last drop is extracted from the dregs. A first drop kind of person, is a perfectionist; one who strives for purity and the best in all …

Tetzaveh: Hard Work

March 4, 2017 – 10:59 pm | Comments Off on Tetzaveh: Hard Work2,736 views

The Reward
A little girl complained to her father that her chores are too difficult. The father, a chef, invited her to the kitchen and put up three pots to boil. In the first he placed a potato, in the second an egg and in the third, a coffee bean. Twenty …

Tetzaveh: No Name Brand

February 13, 2016 – 10:12 pm | Comments Off on Tetzaveh: No Name Brand2,989 views
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When The Ship Goes Down
Do you pay extra for a name brand? Some do, personally, I don’t. If the no name brand is of the same quality as the name brand, I am quite happy with it. The name is for others. The brand is for me. Sometimes the no …

Tezaveh: Prayer

February 2, 2014 – 4:57 am | Comments Off on Tezaveh: Prayer3,003 views
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Hey You!
Have you noticed that Moses’ name is missing from this Torah portion? Whenever G-d speaks to Moses in this portion, He calls him, you, instead of Moses. I don’t know about you, but when someone tries to draw my attention by calling, hey you! I usually respond with, the …