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Our sages were fence builders—not in the conventional sense, but metaphorically. The Torah presents many prohibitions, and our sages built fences around them to ensure we do not step over the line. For example, the Torah tells us not to write on Shabbat, and our sages prohibited even holding a …

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Home » Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah: The Child’s Cry

Submitted by on November 12, 2004 – 5:18 pmNo Comment | 3,083 views

The story is told of a great rabbi who was up late at night deeply engrossed in Torah study together with his study partner. At that moment one of his partner’s children was awakened by a nightmare and began to cry. The rabbi, his concentration disturbed, arose from his studies to sooth the young child and gently rock him back to sleep.

Upon his return to the study he noticed that his partner was still fully engrossed, his concentration so total and unwavering that he hadn’t even noticed the child’s cries. The rabbi softly chided his partner saying, “no occupation, not even Torah study, should make a Jewish father deaf to the cry of his innocent child.”

As we approach the new Jewish year we beseech the almighty in prayer. Often we wonder if G-d has time to listen to our petty prayers? Should we bother him with our trivial needs? Does the great creator take an interest in the paltry goings on of insignificant humans?

As the rabbi told his partner, the answer is a resounding yes! The Torah relays Hashem’s promise to us that if we only open our mouths in prayer, if we only cry out to him in supplication, then “I shall listen for I am gracious.”

As the rabbi in our story demonstrated it is not enough to listen, when a child cries one must actually pause, sooth the child, satisfy his needs and make sure he is comfortable. May this story be a source of comfort to us as we pray. Secure in the knowledge that the master of the universe will pause to listen to us, to sooths us and will indeed satisfy our needs.

May this be a year of health, security, peace and happiness.