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Articles in Bo

The Secret Alef

January 16, 2024 – 2:03 pm | Comments Off on The Secret Alef348 views

The secret alef is the mystery of this week’s Torah portion. Alef is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Hebrew letters also serve as numbers. Thus, alef is one; it represents G-d, who exists alone. He is one, and there is no other. By that, we mean not only …

Do You Have The Courage To Be Free?

January 21, 2023 – 9:13 pm | Comments Off on Do You Have The Courage To Be Free?601 views

Do we have the courage to be free? As we read about our ancestors leaving Egypt, we realize that they took a huge leap of faith. In retrospect it seems simple. They left a land of suffering and bondage and embarked on an idyllic journey through the desert where food …

Bo: Can We Question G-d

January 1, 2022 – 8:22 pm | Comments Off on Bo: Can We Question G-d13,037 views

Can we question G-d? Many have questioned G-d over the years, especially after the Holocaust, but no matter how upset we are, it always feels awkward to question G-d. I suspect this is why most people find a way to resolve their questions. They either deny G-d, which makes it …

Bo: The Army

January 16, 2021 – 7:34 pm | Comments Off on Bo: The Army1,091 views

Every country has an army, and every army serves a country. The question is who is in charge, the army or the country?
You see, militaries are tricky things. On the one hand, they give the country power and stability, on the other hand, they can easily assume power. This is …

Bo: Don’t Condemn

January 25, 2020 – 8:36 pm | Comments Off on Bo: Don’t Condemn1,660 views

We are so accustomed to hearing people condemn each other that we barely pay it any heed anymore. I don’t know if people used to condemn less often or less vigorously, but it certainly feels that way to me. These days it seems that every time someone opens their mouth …

Bo: Ordinary Prayer

January 5, 2019 – 10:42 pm | Comments Off on Bo: Ordinary Prayer1,765 views

Does G-d listen to the prayer or ordinary people?
Would you pray for me, is a rather common request that people make of rabbis.
People assume that Rabbis are pious. They also assume that G-d listens to the pious more than He listens to ordinary people. I won’t quibble with the first …

Bo: Enter the Exodus Mindset

January 13, 2018 – 10:39 pm | Comments Off on Bo: Enter the Exodus Mindset2,687 views

Names are instructive, they tell us a lot about the things that they describe. When Jewish custom and history settles on a name for a Torah portion, the name bears a connection to the general theme of the portion. The name of this portion is Bo, which means to enter. …

Bo: In The Corner

May 1, 2017 – 2:26 pm | Comments Off on Bo: In The Corner2,628 views

The Apex
When I was in kindergarten, teachers usually sent misbehaving children to the corner. Modern pedagogy has since rejected the corner, but the business world still embraces it – everyone covets the corner office. The corner, a symbol of shame in grade-school, is a symbol of power at the office. …