Articles tagged with: creation
Why Ten Plagues?

This week we are introduced to the ten plagues. Seven plagues appear in our Torah portion and the last three appear in next week’s Torah portion. Have you ever noticed that there are ten plagues, ten commandments, and G-d Created the world with ten utterances? What is the common link?
Chayei Sarah: Free Choice

Just A Number
The expression, age is just a number, is true, but not everyone likes to have their number called. The Torah tells us the age of the Matriarch Sarah, prompting our rabbis to ask, why. If a gentleman never asks and a lady never tells, as the aphorism goes, …
Purim: G-d Wants To Be Chosen

The Happiest Day of the Year
Purim is arguably the happiest day of the year. I say arguably because it is in close competition with Simchat Torah, the day we complete our annual reading of the Torah. I am not sure which is happier, but I will say this, if they …
Re’eh: Charity From The Heart

Unhappy Giving
I have a confession. I can’t stand being thanked for giving charity. I just hate it when the person to whom I gave a dollar smiles and heaps lifelong blessings upon me. I usually make a dismissive gesture, wait till they walk away, heave a small sigh of relief …
Matos Masei: Fostering unity

Do you know anyone that gets your goat? You know, the kind of person that irritates you no matter what s/he says. You resolve to control your feelings, but your annoyance boils over and, despite your resolve, your dam bursts through. We all have such triggers and we all know …
Vayigash: O’ The Circuitous Trail Of Love

A Perplexing Concealment
Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery. Unbeknownst to them the sale worked to his advantage when remarkable circumstances led to his appointment as viceroy of Egypt. Under Joseph’s guidance Egypt collected vast storehouses of foods and was well prepared when a terrible famine struck the region. …
Vaetchanan: Science and Faith

July 21, 1969
Monday July 21, 2009, marked forty years since Neil Armstrong, stepped off the Apollo 11 and set foot on the moon. Forty years is a long time; our sages taught that students do not fully assimilate lessons learned in their youth until forty years have passed. (1) Today, …
Bo: The Miracle of Nature

Months and Years
Have you ever wondered why there are annual cycles in the lunar calendar and monthly cycles in the solar calendar? Think about it. The solar calendar is defined by the cycle of seasons as the earth tilts on its axis for three-hundred-and-sixty-five days; nothing in this calendar lends …