Articles in Mishpatim
Never Tell A Lie

Our sages were fence builders—not in the conventional sense, but metaphorically. The Torah presents many prohibitions, and our sages built fences around them to ensure we do not step over the line. For example, the Torah tells us not to write on Shabbat, and our sages prohibited even holding a …
Time for Torah

Mishpatim: Time for Torah
The morning after our ancestors arrived at Sinai, Moses presented G-d’s proposal to appoint them His precious treasure, a kingdom of ministers, and a holy nation. Their reply: “All that G-d said, we will do.”[1]
Two days later, Moses told them that G-d would issue the Ten Commandments …
Clean Up the Mess

Mishpatim: Clean Up the Mess
Clean up the mess is what our Torah portion is all about. G-d made a messy world. One in which humans steal from each other, abuse each other, and damage each other’s property. A world in which animals wreak havoc and must be watched with an …
Mishpatim: The Little Guy

We often think of ourselves as the little guy. There are all kinds of important people in the world who do important things. I am just a little guy and I do little things.
We even back it up with an argument. The more important something is, the scarcer it tends …
Mishpatim: The Robinhood Culture

Unless You’ve been living under a rock, you know about the Robinhood fiasco. In brief, several large hedge funds shorted stocks in several companies including one called GameStop. A group of smaller investors colluded to prop up these stocks with a frenzied buying program, costing the hedge funds billions of …
Mishpatim: We Matter

When you read the Torah portion that we chant in the synagogue this week, you wonder why G-d even cares. Does the Creator of heaven and earth have nothing better to do with His time than devise laws about the differences between liabilities carried by paid and unpaid custodians? Does …
Mishpatim: Finding G-d

Finding G-d in the synagogue is no big deal, that is where you expect Him to be. Finding G-d in your home can be a little trickier, but still not so surprising. Finding G-d at your place of work or at play, in a social setting, at a party, or …
Mishpatim: Sift and Sort

The Torah portion that follows the awe-inspiring story of Mount Sinai, presents formulaic monetary laws and laws of personal injury. Why should the resolution of petty squabbles be the first subject to follow the Sinai event, which surely placed our ancestors on a higher plane? Many answers have been offered, …