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Articles tagged with: Torah

The Ultra Orthodox Draft

June 8, 2024 – 11:29 pm | Comments Off on The Ultra Orthodox Draft209 views

Amid Israel’s war in Gaza, there is talk of drafting yeshivah students into the army to bolster its ranks. On Shavuot, we celebrate the anniversary of receiving the Torah, so I want to write about the role of Torah in war. The Torah is not just a dusty old book …

Are You A Kosher Letter?

May 20, 2023 – 11:50 pm | Comments Off on Are You A Kosher Letter?686 views
kosher letter

Every Jew is a letter in the Torah; the question is, are you a kosher letter?
The Torah tells us that 603,550 Jews came out of Egypt.[1] Kabbalah proclaimed that there are six hundred thousand letters in the Torah.[2] A prominent kabbalist further suggested that the Hebrew word Yisrael is an …

Shavuot: A Gift of Self

May 28, 2022 – 11:42 pm | Comments Off on Shavuot: A Gift of Self1,016 views
the chosen people

A gift of self is a thrilling gift. There are many kinds of gifts, but we almost never give away our very selves. We reserve our self exclusively for us. Weddings are the only exception. They are thrilling occasions because bride and groom give each other the gift of self.
Our …

Pekudei: Your Temple

February 26, 2022 – 10:01 pm | Comments Off on Pekudei: Your Temple1,699 views

Did you know that your heart can be your temple, your brain can be your temple, your energy can be your temple, and your home can be your temple?
Several months after showing Himself to the Jewish nation at Sinai, G-d instructed Moses to build Him a Temple. At Sinai, every …

Devarim: The Rational You

July 18, 2020 – 10:45 pm | Comments Off on Devarim: The Rational You1,505 views

The Torah is divided into two parts—the first four books and the last book. The last book is in a category of its own because it is largely written as if Moses were talking rather than as G-d talking. Rather than saying “Moses spoke” this book reads, “I spoke.”
However, before …

Chukat Balak: The Commandments

June 25, 2020 – 10:15 pm | Comments Off on Chukat Balak: The Commandments1,351 views
heart of religion - innerstream

The Torah’s laws about how to purify oneself from ritual contamination can only be prevalent at a time when ritual contamination is possible. Ritual contamination occurs when a Jew comes in contact with a dead body. When the Mashiach comes, the prophetic promise that death will cease and all the …

Emor: Long Nights

May 2, 2020 – 10:45 pm | Comments Off on Emor: Long Nights1,408 views

Long nights are the hallmark of winter when most of our day is spent in the dark. Most people detest these long nights and look forward to the summer’s long days, but the truth is that there is something to be cherished in  these vanishing nights.
Long nights can be gloomy …

Simchat Torah: No Break

October 20, 2019 – 12:31 pm | Comments Off on Simchat Torah: No Break2,269 views

On Simchat Torah we read the last passage of the Torah, but we don’t stop for even a moment when we finish reading the Torah. Instead, we turn around and start over immediately from the first verse. There are many celebrations on Simchat Torah, but they come before we read …