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Articles tagged with: inspiration

Pinchas: Jewish Popup Screens

July 8, 2012 – 9:33 pm | Comments Off on Pinchas: Jewish Popup Screens3,275 views

Pop Ups
Have you ever wondered why pop-up screens always offer gambling or lust opportunities and never Torah or Mitzvah opportunities? When was the last time you visited your favorite news site and got a Jewish pop-up screen offering you a chance to give charity? Did you ever check the weather …

B’haalotcha: Live every Moment

June 3, 2012 – 5:54 am | Comments Off on B’haalotcha: Live every Moment3,494 views
live every moment

An Invitation
Just before the Jews departed Sinai, Moses invited his father in Law to join them. Jethro wasn’t a Jew from birth; he was a priest, who had converted first to monotheism and later Judaism. Moses was somewhat hesitant about his invitation as apparent from the following text.


Vayikra: When You Really Feel Like Helping

March 18, 2012 – 2:29 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: When You Really Feel Like Helping3,101 views
when you really feel like helping - innerstream

Sudden Inspirations
Are you ever seized by a sudden desire to do good? An elderly lady is crossing the street and you really feel like helping, you drop your son off at school and are struck by the feeling that you should be more involved with PTA or you go shopping …

Vayikra: Humble Growth

March 15, 2010 – 2:53 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: Humble Growth8,133 views
humble growth - innerstream

The Small Aleph
Letters in the Hebrew alphabet also serve as numerals. Aleph, the first letter of the alphabet, represents the numeral one. It is thus fitting that Elokim, G-d`s name and Anochi, the first word of the Ten Commandments, begin with the Aleph, which represents true and singular oneness. (1)


Terumah: Mobilizing The Force

February 14, 2010 – 5:38 am | Comments Off on Terumah: Mobilizing The Force2,840 views
mobilizing the force - innerstream

Affixing The Staves
The major artifacts in the tabernacle, transported across the desert by the Levitic tribe, were equipped with large staves by which they were lifted and transported. The Torah details precise instructions on how and when the staves were to be affixed and here we encounter a curious point. …

Chanukah: Lights of Joy and Inspiration

December 13, 2009 – 4:26 am | Comments Off on Chanukah: Lights of Joy and Inspiration3,234 views
lights of joy - innerstream

The Night And The Light
As dusk gathers and darkness approaches, night falls and gloom encroaches,
we seek inspiration anew. What is a person to do?
The answer is simple at this time of year, light a candle and banish the fear.


Re’e: Infinitesimal Spec

August 13, 2006 – 3:50 am | Comments Off on Re’e: Infinitesimal Spec2,896 views

Greater than Life
Do you ever get the feeling that you are, but an infinitesimal spec, swallowed by the vastness of the universe and beyond? That cosmic forces arrayed along your path lead you to a destiny greater than your imagination? That life as you know it barely scratches the surface?


Vayechi: Oasis in the Desert

January 2, 2006 – 11:15 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: Oasis in the Desert2,846 views
transforming our desert - innerstream

Jacob in Egypt
The very first time the Torah testifies that our patriarch Jacob fully enjoyed and appreciated life is during the period of time that he lived in Egypt.
