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Articles tagged with: education

Passover: Four Problems Four Solutions

April 10, 2022 – 12:33 am | Comments Off on Passover: Four Problems Four Solutions1,231 views

Passover seems obsessed with the number four. We drink four cups of wine, children ask four questions, and four sons ask questions in the Hagadah.  It is the evening of questions and answers, of learning and discussion, and it all centers around four.
You see, there are four sons, the wise …

B’ha’alotcha: On the Derech

June 6, 2020 – 11:29 pm | Comments Off on B’ha’alotcha: On the Derech1,500 views

Derech is Hebrew for path or way. In the Jewish world, there is a phrase that you are likely familiar with, on the derech or off the derech. Those who are on the path toward increasing their Torah observance, are described as on the derech”—on the way and making inroads. …

Toldot: Like father like son

November 23, 2019 – 10:51 pm | Comments Off on Toldot: Like father like son1,722 views

Like father like son, an idiom rooted in the words of Ezekiel (44:16), “like mother like daughter,” describes a child that resembles his parent in either mannerism or behavior. This idiom could truly be applied to our forefather Isaac, who is introduced to us in the Torah as, “Isaac, the …

Ki Tetze: No Big Deal

August 18, 2018 – 11:40 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tetze: No Big Deal2,026 views

It’s just one small infraction, no big deal.
This is a common argument that we hear often, but only in our own heads. We would never be brazen enough to justify our infractions to others with this argument, but we say it to ourselves.
Suppose, you are leaving a hotel and want …

Devarim: Too Clever

July 15, 2018 – 12:59 am | Comments Off on Devarim: Too Clever3,192 views

Sometimes we are too clever for our own good. One such time occurred in the second century when Rome decreed that Jews in Israel may not study the Torah on pain of death. Yet, the Talmud relates that Rabbi Akiva continued to offer public Torah lectures.
When questioned by Papus Ben …

Korach: Resenting Direction

June 12, 2018 – 10:11 pm | Comments Off on Korach: Resenting Direction5,442 views

Korach, who resented direction, led a popular rebellion. Like all rebels he purported to take up the cause of the people. And like all rebels, his cause was neither real nor beneficial to the people.
Korach, “assembled against Moses and Aaron, and said to them, “You take too much upon yourselves, …

Naso: To be Lifted

May 24, 2018 – 12:22 pm | Comments Off on Naso: To be Lifted2,109 views
mobilizing the force - innerstream

To celebrate the inauguration of the tabernacle, the Jewish tribal princes made several key contributions. Among them were four wagons and eight oxen to transport the sacred vessels across the desert. When the Jews would travel in the desert, the Levites would disassemble the tabernacle and transport it, using these …

Chanukah: The True Heroes

December 9, 2017 – 11:09 pm | Comments Off on Chanukah: The True Heroes2,425 views

The Women
The miracle of Chanukah has true heroes, and though we usually think of the Maccabees and the priests who kindled the miraculous lamps in the Temple, Chanukah’s true heroes are the women and children.
The Talmud tells us that although positive commandments bound by particular times, are usually non-binding on …