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Articles in Metzora

Metzora: Will Smith

April 2, 2022 – 10:03 pm | Comments Off on Metzora: Will Smith1,124 views

For more than a week, we have been hearing tales about Mr. Will Smith striking Mr. Chris Rock at the Oscars. What is the worst part of this tale, that it happened or that we have talked so much about it?
The name of our parshah is metzorah—one who contracts the …

Tazria Metzora: The Pivotal Moment

April 10, 2021 – 10:49 pm | Comments Off on Tazria Metzora: The Pivotal Moment1,137 views

This week we will learn about the power of a moment. A metzora is one who contracted a skin condition called Tzaraas in biblical times. This condition is often confused with leprosy because the metzora was quarantined, but this was not a medical condition. These lesions appeared when a Jew …

Tazria Metzora: It Is Not About You

April 19, 2020 – 10:18 pm | Comments Off on Tazria Metzora: It Is Not About You1,653 views

The Torah tells us that a Jewish man who contracted skin lesions called tzaraat had to be quarantined until the lesions cleared, at which time, he would bring an offering in the Temple. The offering included (among other things) a cedar stick and a hyssop.
Seeking symbolism in these components, our …

Metzora: Twitter

April 6, 2019 – 10:15 pm | Comments Off on Metzora: Twitter1,500 views

Twitter nowadays has little to do with birds and everything to do with people, but the underlying idea is the same. Birds tweet to make noise and people tweet to make noise. Twitter is not a place for deep conversation. It is a place for shallow discussion, impetuous thrusts, and …

Tazria Mezora: Judging from Past Behavior

April 15, 2018 – 12:09 am | Comments Off on Tazria Mezora: Judging from Past Behavior2,672 views

Past behavior is often a harbinger of the future, but to judge fairly we must consider the very latest episode of the past behavior. I was once at a wedding, where the groom’s elderly venerated teacher danced with vigor and joy, and his many students, their eyes sparkling with admiration …

Metzorah: Oh No My Home

April 10, 2016 – 12:57 am | Comments Off on Metzorah: Oh No My Home3,518 views

He Doesn’t Care
Tragedy strikes. You are coming home from work and your house is engulfed in flames. It burns to a crisp and everything is gone. You are inconsolable; Oh no my Home! Your friends comfort you. They point out that no one was hurt and the family survived unscathed. …

Mitzorah: The Jewish House

March 30, 2014 – 2:54 am | Comments Off on Mitzorah: The Jewish House7,902 views
jewish house -

On the Walls
Tzaraat was a prevalent disease in Biblical times that presented in the form of lesions on skin, hair, clothing and even the walls of a Jewish house. Tzaraat wasn’t an ordinary condition produced by heat or humidity. Tzaraat was a Divinely ordained affliction in punishment for various sins.


Tazria Mitzorah: A Sign of Love

April 7, 2013 – 3:40 pm | Comments Off on Tazria Mitzorah: A Sign of Love5,672 views
father's happiness- innerstream

The Walls Know
We love closed doors for the cover they provide; what we do behind them others can’t know and what they don’t know can’t hurt them. We can be irascible, immoral and impossible in private, yet parade in public as amicable, wise and generous and no one will be …