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Articles in High Holidays

Tazria: When Will Mashiach Come

March 27, 2022 – 12:09 am | Comments Off on Tazria: When Will Mashiach Come1,059 views

We are entering the month of Nisan, a month of overarching growth. I call it overarching because the growth exceeds any effort that we might invest. When our ancestors were in Egypt, they didn’t work to secure their liberation from bondage. It was handed to them freely by G-d. Nothing …

Shabbat Shuvah: The Uplifting Return

October 3, 2019 – 10:41 am | Comments Off on Shabbat Shuvah: The Uplifting Return21,262 views

The uplifting return that marks the first ten days of the Hebrew calendar year is expressed in the name that tradition has assigned to this Shabbat: Shabbat Shuvah, the Shabbat of return. In English, when we speak of regret and of turning over a new leaf, we call it repentance. …

High Holiday Greetings

September 23, 2017 – 9:56 pm | Comments Off on High Holiday Greetings2,266 views
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Some places in the world are blessed with eternal sunshine. Other places are marked by perpetual darkness. Some places are always warm, other places are always cold. Our country has seasons.
There is a season for frigid cold and a season for desultory heat. There is a season for torrential downpours …

High Holilday Greetings 5777

October 8, 2016 – 9:51 pm | Comments Off on High Holilday Greetings 57772,654 views
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New Year Greeting 5777
As I prepare for my sixteenth Rosh Hashanah in London, Ontario, my mind turns to an event that occurred shortly after we arrived.
Congregation Beth Tefilah organized an installation ceremony in my honor and Joel Wittstein of blessed memory was in attendance. I feel fortunate and honored to …

New Year Greeting: Growing Up

September 27, 2014 – 10:42 pm | Comments Off on New Year Greeting: Growing Up3,145 views
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New Year Greeting: Growing Up
A new year is upon us. One year chases another, one decade follows the next. Our lives unfold, our circumstances evolve, but how about us? Do we grow as well or are we stinted in our spiritual and emotional growth?


The Festival and Shabbat

September 25, 2013 – 4:05 am | Comments Off on The Festival and Shabbat6,829 views
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Sanctity and Joy
When a Jewish festival falls on Friday, it merges directly  into Shabbat. This gives us pause as we reflect on the differences between the festival and Shabbat.


High Holiday Greetings 5774

September 8, 2013 – 2:59 am | Comments Off on High Holiday Greetings 57744,903 views

High Holiday Greetings
We embark on a new year with excitement and trepidation. What does the new year hold for us, will it be good or bad, healthy or ill, happy or sad?
We look back to years past and know that life is a mixed bag, some years were better than …

New Year Greeting 5773

October 5, 2012 – 9:10 pm | Comments Off on New Year Greeting 57732,910 views
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I wanted to write a Rosh Hashanah greeting and was casting about for a new spin, something that would make this year’s greeting stand out, when I realized that it’s not the greeting that should stand out, but the year.
