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Articles in Lech L’cha

On the Question of Human Shields

October 21, 2023 – 11:15 pm | Comments Off on On the Question of Human Shields636 views
human shields

The question of human shields has been in the news a lot these past few weeks. As Israel responds to the heinous massacre of innocent civilians, men, women, and children, perpetrated by the sub-human Hamas terrorists, it is being accused of targeting innocent civilians.
Some of these accusers are the very …

Jewish Pride in Times of Despair

October 29, 2022 – 9:04 pm | Comments Off on Jewish Pride in Times of Despair773 views
Jewish pride

When G-d told Abraham to travel from the home he had built in Haran to Israel, he and Sarah gathered their household and went. Who were the members of their household? The Torah tells us that it was Lot, their nephew, and the souls they had made in Haran.
Who were …

Lech Lecha: Anything You Want To Be

October 6, 2021 – 8:17 pm | Comments Off on Lech Lecha: Anything You Want To Be977 views

“Anything you want to be,” is a phrase parents often say to their children. You don’t need to accept any limitations; they are all artificial. If you put your mind to it, you can be anything you want to be.
Sometimes children misunderstand and think that they can snap their fingers …

Lech Lecha: The Secret Life of King Og

October 27, 2020 – 8:42 pm | Comments Off on Lech Lecha: The Secret Life of King Og1,480 views

When our ancestors sought to cross the Jordan into Israel, the fierce and powerful Bashanites, led by their mighty king Og, stood in their way to prevent their passage. Moses was initially fearful of Og until G-d said, “Don’t fear Og because I have delivered him and his land to …

Lech L’cha: True Faith

November 2, 2019 – 11:14 pm | Comments Off on Lech L’cha: True Faith1,534 views

True faith is not easy to come by. Abraham possessed true faith, but most people in his generation were incapable of true faith until a particular event occurred that made it possible to achieve true faith.
Let me tell you two stories about Abraham:[1]
The first story: At the age of three, …

Lech L’cha: Unhealthy Dependencies

October 13, 2018 – 11:16 pm | Comments Off on Lech L’cha: Unhealthy Dependencies2,082 views

Do you have unhealthy dependencies? Can you give up your smart phone, luxury car, and golf clubs, or have you grown too dependent to let them go? Have you given them power over you?
I am not actually advocating that we give them away. I don’t feel guilty for enjoying the …

Lech Lecha: Israel is Home

October 21, 2017 – 10:17 pm | Comments Off on Lech Lecha: Israel is Home2,892 views

When my daughter messaged me that she landed in Israel, I replied welcome home. Later, on the phone, she told me that this was the first time she had landed somewhere and did not feel homesick. My message explained why. Israel is home.
It’s not just me. In honor of Israel’s …

Lech Lecha: Holistic Prayer

November 5, 2016 – 10:24 pm | Comments Off on Lech Lecha: Holistic Prayer2,985 views
a heart stopping reunion - innerstream

Focused Prayer
Have you heard of the rabbinical student who repeatedly failed his lifeguard test? Again and again, he failed to rescue the dummy from the bottom of the pool. The instructor finally approached and suggested that he consider removing his frock and fedora before trying again.
You can’t swim with coat …