Articles in Pinchas
Going Against Your Grain

Pinchas went against his grain when he slayed the Jewish prince Zimri who was openly cohabitateing with the Midianite princess Kazbi. Kazbi’s father, a powerful Midianite prince, coerced her into venturing among the Jewish men as a common harlot. Zimri, a Jewish prince grabbed her by the hair and dragged …
Life Is Not a Game of Chance

Is life a game of chance? Everyone I know would say no. We don’t like to leave anything to chance. We make deliberate choices about the schools we attend, the friends we embrace, the careers we pursue, and the hobbies we adopt. Most of us have short and long-term goals. …
Fasting And Passover

What do the seventeenth of Tamuz, the ninth of Av, and the first day of Passover have in common? They always fall on the same day of the week.
How does that make any sense? The first day of Passover represents the redemption of our ancestors from Egypt that sparked their …
Pinchas: Between the Gates

As the Jacob and his family entered the gates of Egypt, Yocheved, the mother of Moses, was born between the gates. The Torah tells us that seventy Jews traveled to Egypt. Yet, if you count the names of all the people listed in Jacob’s party, you find sixty-nine. Our sages …
Pinchas: A New Generation

A new generation had emerged in the desert as Moses neared the end of his life. His siblings Miriam and Aharon had passed on. His nephew Elazar was now high priest and Elazar’s son, Pinchas, had joined the ranks of the priesthood. Shortly after Aharon’s passing, we notice signs of …
Pinchas: Passover and Marijuana

What can possibly be the connection between Passover and marijuana? Well on Passover we ask questions, and when you are high on Marijuana, well let’s just the say the questions don’t seem to matter anymore. . . This may sound facetious but bear with me. I am being serious.
Canada recently …
Pinchas: The Critical Moment

What’s in a Moment?
Many will tell you a moment is a unit of time; passing, fleeting and infinitesimal. It is preceded by an endless parade of moments, and followed by another endless parade. A single moment in the span of eternity, is meaningless.
Others will tell you different. Each moment is …
Pinchas: A Broken Whole

The Holy Donut
The old saying goes, there is nothing more complete than a broken heart. Sometimes to make something complete, you need to break it. You can’t make a donut unless you punch a hole in it. With a hole, it is whole. Refill the hole and you lost the …