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Articles tagged with: life

Rosh Hashanah: Against All Odds

September 12, 2020 – 11:37 pm | Comments Off on Rosh Hashanah: Against All Odds1,560 views

Against all odds, life came to be. For life to flourish on earth, such precise conditions had to be met that even a tiny variation would have thrown it off. What were the odds that such precise conditions would be met on earth? Considering that it is the only place …

Yitro: Time for Torah

January 19, 2019 – 9:02 pm | Comments Off on Yitro: Time for Torah1,829 views

We all must make time for Torah, but how much time is a matter of perspective. When G-d gave us the Torah at Sinai, He gave the same Torah to all Jews. We are all bound by the same laws and we all share the same level of access to …

Ekev: Do You Have A Boat?

July 29, 2018 – 1:16 am | Comments Off on Ekev: Do You Have A Boat?1,910 views

Jackie Mason claims a Jew only buys a boat to show it to others. In fact, if the boat is missing an engine the Jew wouldn’t even know it. Because a Jew doesn’t need a boat. He buys a boat, to show it to you.
King David and the Baal Shem …

Chukat: Live or Die

June 20, 2018 – 6:52 pm | Comments Off on Chukat: Live or Die2,237 views

What do you think Judaism advocates, that we live for G-d or that we die for G-d?
Throughout history there have been two classic Jewish views. One was to place physical survival above spiritual; to live at all costs even the violation of our sacred Torah principles and cherished Jewish traditions. …

Tetzveh: Good to the Last Drop

February 17, 2018 – 10:59 pm | Comments Off on Tetzveh: Good to the Last Drop4,395 views

Are you a first drop or a last drop kind of person? When you squeeze an olive, the first drop is the purest, the last drop is extracted from the dregs. A first drop kind of person, is a perfectionist; one who strives for purity and the best in all …

Re’e: Life and Death

August 13, 2017 – 11:14 am | Comments Off on Re’e: Life and Death2,891 views

Judaism has a formula for everything. From birth to death, the Torah provides a detailed guide on proper conduct. When it comes to death, Judaism prescribes a seven-day period of mourning, called shivah, during which we sit at home, sheltered from the daily routine, and mourn. However, immediately after this …

Pinchas: From Tragedy to Joy

July 24, 2016 – 10:54 pm | Comments Off on Pinchas: From Tragedy to Joy2,782 views

More Tragedy
As the summer months arrived, we learned of more black lives killed by police shootings. After the rash of police shootings last summer and the resultant furor, we would have expected the police to introduce responsible measures to reduce tragedy, but whatever measures were taken, were simply not enough. …

Passover: A personal Spark

April 17, 2016 – 1:22 am | Comments Off on Passover: A personal Spark4,074 views

Let My People Go
Did you know that everything in your possession was intended by G-d for you to have yet before He created the world? As G-d created each specific object (or the properties from which the objects would be made) He determined its owner. Your couch, wallet, furniture and …