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Articles in Ki Tisa

The Real You Is Perfect

February 24, 2024 – 9:34 pm | Comments Off on The Real You Is Perfect349 views

Perfection is not part of the human experience; in fact, perfectionism is usually unhealthy, but perfection is part of the Divine experience. And here is the surprising truth. At your very core, in your most essential state of being, you are a sliver of the Divine. This means that the …

The Buck Stops Here

March 4, 2023 – 10:46 pm | Comments Off on The Buck Stops Here666 views
buck stops here

The buck stops here, was a sign on the desk of President Harry S Truman. It is a spin off the aphorism, “pass the buck”—punting responsibility to someone up the line. When you are president, Truman would often say, the buck stops here. You are responsible. If you don’t like …

Vayekhel: With All You Got

February 21, 2022 – 9:06 am | Comments Off on Vayekhel: With All You Got858 views

Do you live with all you got, or do you hold back out of fear, shame, insecurity, or lack of confidence?
This week we read a special selection from the Torah in honor of the upcoming month, II Adar. It is about the half silver coin. G-d instructs Moses to take …

Ki Tisa: The Stubborn Ox

February 12, 2022 – 9:18 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tisa: The Stubborn Ox969 views

Have you ever seen a stubborn ox? The Haftorah this week tells the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel. It was approximately 740 BCE and idol worship was rampant in Israel’s Northern Kingdom. Wanting to demonstrate the fallacy of idolatry, Elijah challenged the prophets of the idols to a contest …

Ki Tisa: Lift the Head

March 8, 2020 – 2:19 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tisa: Lift the Head1,436 views

G-d instructed Moses to collect a half silver shekel from each Jew for the Tabernacle’s building fund. Before allocating the shekels to the Tabernacle, Moses was told to take a census of the people by counting the shekels. The Torah seems to describe this census awkwardly. Rather than saying count …

Ki Tisa: The Cruelty of Abuse

February 16, 2019 – 9:56 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tisa: The Cruelty of Abuse1,894 views

Understanding the Impact
What is it about the abuse of a child that twists and stunts their emotions for life? I know that it does, but why does it? Why does an imbalanced relationship in a time of vulnerability hamper us decades later? Why does neglect in childhood make it difficult …

Ki Tisa: Use Your Head

February 16, 2019 – 9:46 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tisa: Use Your Head1,886 views

Use your head is an idiom that means think things through carefully. Don’t just jump on the bandwagon. Use your head. Think about it, figure out the ramifications and avoid making a mistake.
The Torah says, “When you list the heads of the children of Israel according to their numbers.”[1] What …

Ki Tisa: Make Light

March 16, 2017 – 9:59 am | Comments Off on Ki Tisa: Make Light2,680 views

Shabbat Candles
Don’t make light of Shabbat. Make light for Shabbat.
A child came home from a Hebrew lesson and told her parents that she wanted to make light for Shabbat by lighting candles. The parents agreed to satisfy her whim and lit candles as the sun set on Friday. As they …