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Articles in Nitzavim

Prove It Or Know It

September 17, 2022 – 10:18 pm | Comments Off on Prove It Or Know It706 views

To prove it or to know it, which is better? Most people would say that being able to prove something is better. Proof is the holy grail. If you have incontrovertible proof, you know it is true. If all you can say is, “I know it is true,” you may …

Nitzavim: Tears of Joy

August 28, 2021 – 10:57 pm | Comments Off on Nitzavim: Tears of Joy2,293 views

 The eyes of a Jew on Rosh Hashanah—the annual day of judgment, are often filled with tears and remorse. We know we will be judged for our behavior. We also know that some of our behavior has been compulsive, some of our personality has been toxic, and some of our …

Nitzavim Vayelech: A Nation of One

September 5, 2020 – 10:29 pm | Comments Off on Nitzavim Vayelech: A Nation of One1,468 views

The Torah portion that we read this Shabbat describes the Jewish people as a nation of one. “You all stand this day before G-d, your G-d the leaders, your tribes, your elders, and your officers, every man of Israel. your young children, your women, and your convert within your camp, …

Nitzavim: Democracy in Israel

September 2, 2018 – 5:37 pm | Comments Off on Nitzavim: Democracy in Israel5,293 views

Is Israel a democracy or a theocracy? Here is the story:
The Tel Aviv municipality and the Ayalon Highway Company plan to build a new pedestrian and cycling bridge that would cross the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv, one of the country’s most congested freeways.
The Ayalon Highway Company planned to shut …

Nitzavim: Sunnyside Up

September 24, 2016 – 11:34 pm | Comments Off on Nitzavim: Sunnyside Up2,842 views

The Sunnyside
The other day, my three-year-old son accompanied me to the supermarket. I put a few dozen eggs in the cart and asked him if he likes eggs. What kind are they, he replied, hard boiled or sunny side up?
It made me realize that this is a question for life. …

Nitzavim: Get Out Of Jail

September 24, 2016 – 11:18 pm | Comments Off on Nitzavim: Get Out Of Jail5,497 views

Two Poles
The Torah section that we read each year on the Shabbat before Rosh Hashanah, begins with the words “You all stand this day before the Lord, your God, the leaders of your tribes, your elders and your officers, every man of Israel, your young ones, your women, and your …

Nezavim Vayelach: Relevance of Torah

August 25, 2013 – 4:09 am | Comments Off on Nezavim Vayelach: Relevance of Torah5,237 views
relevance - innerstream

In our Parsha, the Torah provides its own coordinates. “It is not in the heaven to say, who might rise to the heaven to bring it to us nor is it across the ocean to say, who might traverse the oceans to bring it to us.”[1]


Nitzavim Vayelech: The Key is Education

September 18, 2011 – 4:31 am | Comments Off on Nitzavim Vayelech: The Key is Education2,796 views
the key is education - innerstream

Returning The Keys
When the marauding Babylonian army broke into the Temple they found priests going about their sacred duties in ecclesiastic devotion. Some prepared meal offerings, others stoked the altar’s flames, yet others inspected logs to ensure their perfection. Outside the battle raged, but inside, the worship continued without distraction.
