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Articles tagged with: confidence

Lech Lecha: Anything You Want To Be

October 6, 2021 – 8:17 pm | Comments Off on Lech Lecha: Anything You Want To Be977 views

“Anything you want to be,” is a phrase parents often say to their children. You don’t need to accept any limitations; they are all artificial. If you put your mind to it, you can be anything you want to be.
Sometimes children misunderstand and think that they can snap their fingers …

Sukkot: The Strength to Emerge

October 16, 2016 – 1:40 am | Comments Off on Sukkot: The Strength to Emerge2,495 views

Four days after Yom Kippur we take our show on the road. We emerge from our synagogue and home and go out to the Sukkah (outdoor hut covered in foliage). To come out means to emerge from the doors that enclose us in and the locks that hold us back. …

Vayikra: Self Esteem

March 2, 2014 – 4:29 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: Self Esteem3,127 views
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I Am A Failure
I recently met someone who complained of a failing self-esteem. I can’t find a job, I can’t make ends meet and I’m constantly worried about money. How can I look my children in the eyes, if I’m sure they have lost respect for me? I am a …

Chayei Sarah: Good Parenting

November 1, 2012 – 1:01 am | Comments Off on Chayei Sarah: Good Parenting3,017 views
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‘Like’ Me
Do you like friends or love them? I don’t mean Facebook liking, I mean real life liking. Well actually, Facebook has it right. You like your friends; you don’t love your friend unless it’s a very special friend. You love your parents, the question is, do you also like …

Korach: Look, I’m Humble

June 19, 2011 – 4:01 am | Comments Off on Korach: Look, I’m Humble3,076 views
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Now Really!
After the passing of Rabbi Yehudah, the third century sage who edited the Mishnah, his colleagues proclaimed that the age of humility had come to an end. Several centuries later the Babylonian sage Rabbi Yosef offered a correction. Don’t say humility has died, he asserted, because there is I. …

Toldot: Tapping Our Potential

November 13, 2009 – 5:15 pm | Comments Off on Toldot: Tapping Our Potential2,785 views
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Double Deceit
Jacob was cooking soup and his older brother wanted a bowl. Jacob offered the soup in return for Esau’s first born ritual rites. Esau didn’t hesitate; he happily surrendered his rites for a bowl of soup.


Vaeira: When Faith Breeds Confidence

January 18, 2009 – 12:28 am | Comments Off on Vaeira: When Faith Breeds Confidence2,846 views
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Our Grandparents
I stand in awe of my grandparent’s generation, who fought two world wars and overcame a depression in the span of three short decades. They stood up to the twin evils of Nazism and Communism and created peace, stability and even prosperity. They did not have the luxuries we …

Lech Lecha: The True You

November 4, 2008 – 10:10 pm | Comments Off on Lech Lecha: The True You2,768 views
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Multiple Roles
Countless hours and dollars are spent in therapy by people seeking themselves. I know someone who is a parent of three, a devoted husband, successful doctor, captain of his football team, coach of his son’s little league team, friend of his social circle and if that is not enough, …