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Articles in Days of Omer

Emor: Making Space for G-d

May 11, 2019 – 10:45 pm | Comments Off on Emor: Making Space for G-d2,096 views

Making space for G-d is the name of the game during the season of the Omer. There are forty-nine days between Passover and Shavuot, and we enjoy and savor them all. We count each day as if it were a precious jewel as we prepare for the festival of Shavuot. …

Omer: A Basic Overview

November 6, 2005 – 3:16 am | Comments Off on Omer: A Basic Overview2,958 views

Counting of the Omer
When our
ancestors left Egypt, G-d promised that He would bring them to Mt.
Sinai and give them the Torah. In anticipation of receiving the Torah,
Jews began to count the days and weeks left until their arrival to Mt.

In commemoration
of their counting, we are commanded to count the days …

Omer: Daily Steps of Improvement

November 2, 2005 – 4:04 am | Comments Off on Omer: Daily Steps of Improvement2,728 views

From Egypt to Sinai

We currently
find ourselves in an intermediary period between the two Jewish
holidays of Passover and Shavuos. On Passover we celebrated the exodus
of our ancestors from Egypt and the birth of our Jewish nation. On
Shavuos we will celebrate the receiving of the Ten commandments at Mt

For two hundred
and ten …