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Articles in Economy

The Entitlement Generation

March 11, 2023 – 9:58 pm | Comments Off on The Entitlement Generation850 views

The entitlement generation claims whatever they want as their entitlement. Let me tell you a story:
Tim Hortons, a coffee house chain, runs an annual contest called, “Roll Up To Win.” Customers roll back the rim of their coffee cup to see if they won a prize. This year, the contest …

Behar Bechukosai: Fool Yourself

May 1, 2021 – 11:20 pm | Comments Off on Behar Bechukosai: Fool Yourself1,104 views

Do you ever fool yourself? The answer is likely yes because we all do. Every time you something wrong and find a circuitous argument to justify your behavior, you fool yourself.
The Torah forbids defrauding others in business. When you sell or buy from your fellow, do not wrong him. If …

Mishpatim: The Robinhood Culture

February 10, 2021 – 10:04 pm | Comments Off on Mishpatim: The Robinhood Culture5,477 views

Unless You’ve been living under a rock, you know about the Robinhood fiasco. In brief, several large hedge funds shorted stocks in several companies including one called GameStop. A group of smaller investors colluded to prop up these stocks with a frenzied buying program, costing the hedge funds billions of …

Beshalach: The Trust Test

January 23, 2021 – 8:47 pm | Comments Off on Beshalach: The Trust Test1,382 views

Trust is a fickle thing. It is hard to build and it can shatter in a moment. Once shattered, it is painstaking to rebuild. If this is true of trust between people, how much more so trust in G-d?
The Torah tells us about a trust event that occurred in the …

Vayishlach: Minority Syndrome

December 7, 2019 – 8:26 pm | Comments Off on Vayishlach: Minority Syndrome1,438 views

When Jacob returned to Israel after twenty-two years of being a minority in the city of Haran, where his uncle Laban lived, he said “I sojourned with Laban . . . and I acquired oxen and donkeys, flocks, manservants, and maidservants.[1]
Why did he announce that he had sojourned with Laban, …

Balak: Shabbat and the Week

July 14, 2019 – 1:01 am | Comments Off on Balak: Shabbat and the Week1,667 views

Shabbat is a twenty-five-hour break from the world. It is a wonderful time to unplug and relax. We enjoy quality time with children, family, and friends. We luxuriate in endeavors of the soul such as song, contemplation, study, prayer, and discussion. Unplugging from our phone’s constant pinging, our constant attraction …

Beshalach: Shabbat

January 13, 2019 – 2:37 pm | Comments Off on Beshalach: Shabbat2,516 views

When our ancestors traveled through the desert, they were nourished by Manna that fell miraculously from heaven every morning of the week with the exception of Shabbat. There was no Manna on Shabbat; instead two portions fell on Friday, one for Friday, the other for Shabbat.
Nevertheless, the Zohar, the seminal …

Toldot: A Defense of Jews

November 3, 2018 – 8:06 pm | Comments Off on Toldot: A Defense of Jews1,928 views

Our Patriarch Isaac had nothing better to do with his day than plant seeds? Surely Isaac could think of many things to do. He could study Torah, he could do good deeds, he could look after his children, after all, twins can be a handful. Why did he work in …