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Articles in Ha’azinu

Freedom of Thought

October 1, 2022 – 10:43 pm | Comments Off on Freedom of Thought834 views

Freedom of thought is a G-d given right. In communist and socialist countries, the individual is made to cede to the collective. In dictatorships the collective is compelled to cede to the dictator. But this is not what G-d intended for us humans. G-d intended for us to have freedom …

Ha’azinu – Food for Thought for Your Dinner Table

October 5, 2008 – 2:05 am | Comments Off on Ha’azinu – Food for Thought for Your Dinner Table6,475 views
food for thought - innerstream

Sunday: Rain and Dew
“May my teachings flow like rain, my words like dew.” Rain is formed from vapor that rises from earth and after condensing precipitates back to earth. Dew forms spontaneously here on earth when warmer surfaces contact the cooler atmosphere. Rain thus symbolizes the flow of G-d’s blessing …

Ha’azinu : The Rainmaker

October 14, 2005 – 5:12 pm | Comments Off on Ha’azinu : The Rainmaker3,213 views
the rainmaker - innerstream

Rain and Dew
When on vacation I like to rise early to study, pray and enjoy the crisp ambiance of an early summer morning. Some mornings I awake to the patter of rainfall as a soft drizzle sprinkles the ground and cools the air. Other mornings I awake to glorious and …