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Articles in Vayechi

A Father’s Happiness

December 30, 2023 – 9:30 pm | Comments Off on A Father’s Happiness408 views

Vayechi: A Father’s Happiness
If you needed a thousand dollars to pay your bills, would you get down on your knees and beg someone for help? Would you stand on the street with a tin cup and beg for alms?
Most of us would not demean ourselves that way for money. Money …

The First Diaspora Jew

December 31, 2022 – 8:13 pm | Comments Off on The First Diaspora Jew889 views
diaspora jew

This week we are introduced to the diaspora Jew. Until this point, the Torah was concerned with holy people who lived in holy places (except for Abraham who lived for a while in Mesopotamia). We read about Joseph’s sale to Egypt several weeks ago, but that is not a true …

Vayechi: Priorities

December 11, 2021 – 8:09 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: Priorities1,401 views

What are your priorities in life?
Every Jewish parent knows that when it comes to blessing our children, Ephraim comes first. This is rooted in a passage in this week’s Torah portion. “He [Jacob] blessed them on that day saying, ‘With you Israel will bless, ‘may G-d make you like Ephraim …

Vayechi: To Be Alive

December 26, 2020 – 6:39 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: To Be Alive1,189 views

Are you among the living or are you alive? To be among the living means that we are breathing, and functioning—we are not dead, but neither are we fully alive. To be alive means to pulsate with the energy of life. To be fully attuned to life.
After Jacob, our patriarch, …

Vayechi: A Symbol of Hope

January 4, 2020 – 10:22 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: A Symbol of Hope1,489 views

Hope would have been the most important thing that Jews could have when they descended to Egypt, but hope seems to have been the last thing on the Torah’s mind at this point in the narrative. The last Torah portion of the book of Genesis is all about the passing …

Vayechi: A Cast of Brothers

December 15, 2018 – 9:16 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: A Cast of Brothers1,749 views

Joseph and his brothers had a rocky relationship. Over the years there had been some pretty bad times. They resented him and thought he maligned them to their father. For his part, Joseph didn’t help matters when he shared his grandiose dreams that cast him in the role of king …

Vayechi: Rejoice for Others

December 23, 2017 – 10:37 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: Rejoice for Others2,641 views

To rejoice for others, when they receive the something that you coveted, is difficult. To rejoice for others despite personal disappointment, or loss, displays character, humility, and refinement. It is rare, but every parent hopes to see such virtue in their child.
As the sun sets on Friday and the weekday …

Vayechi: Our Mother

January 7, 2017 – 10:24 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: Our Mother2,595 views

At The Grave Of A Mother
I was standing in Bethlehem at the grave of our nation’s mother, the Matriarch Rachel. I was praying for myself, my family and our nation. I poured my heart out on this quiet sunny morning, to a mother I had never met. Swept up in …