Articles in Parsha Insights
Why Saturday?
Before New Year’s Day, 2000, the New York Times created a mock front page for New Year’s Day, 2100. They concocted all kinds of news stories for the front page, and since New Year’s will fall on Friday that year, the editors added the time for Shabbat candle lighting. At …
Constructive Speech Prevents Harmful Speech
Jacob summoned his son Joseph to his deathbed to share last-minute blessings and instructions. The last agenda item was to grant Joseph’s descendants the region of Shechem in Israel (Genesis 48:22). This was the only part of Israel Jacob granted directly to his children.
Jacob explained that he was authorized to …
The Dependable Sibling
Some siblings are dependable. They show up to every family affair and are always in touch. They are the first to call when you return from a trip and always ask how you are doing. Some siblings are not quite like that. You hardly hear from them; they are always …
Can you Guarantee My redemption?
This week, we read about Judah’s encounter with Tamar. On the surface, it looked like an intimate rendezvous on the side of the road. On a deeper level, something historical and fundamental occurred. Judah, the leader among his brothers, fathered the ancestor of King David and Mashiach. Our sages saw …
Show Your Children Your Love of Judaism
This week, we read about the birth of Jacob’s children. Twelve of his thirteen children were born in this week’s Torah portion. Jacob’s children all followed their father’s lead, unlike his father and grandfather. Abraham had Ishmael, Isaac had Esau, and Jacob had thirteen children who emulated him.
We don’t raise …
Shaming A Child To His Father
Two young ladies were sitting on a bus chatting about their mutual friend who was engaged to be married. They reviewed her negative habits and traits and chortled that if only her fiancé knew the half of it, he would never marry her.
An elderly lady seated behind them tapped them …
The Sacred Body Returns To Earth
Humans are the only species who treat their dead with dignity and inter them. All other species leave their cadavers to rot on the ground (though some make an effort to cover them. Humans place them in the ground.
The first burial is described in this week’s Torah portion, when Abraham …