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Articles tagged with: Money

Follow The Money

May 13, 2023 – 10:59 pm | Comments Off on Follow The Money683 views
the money

One of the most popular antisemitic tropes is that Jews are all about money. But is there perhaps some truth to this? After all, when the Jewish census was taken, Moses didn’t count people. Instead, he counted money. He told each Jew to donate a half silver coin, and he …

Toldos: The Purpose of Wealth

November 29, 2016 – 11:37 pm | Comments Off on Toldos: The Purpose of Wealth2,877 views

Dividing the Wealth
When Rebeca was pregnant with twins, she went to ask the prophet why she was feeling so much turmoil and pain. The prophet told her that she was carrying two nations and that they would separate from the womb; each in their own direction.
Our sages recorded a conversation …

Vayelech: All For The Boss

September 10, 2014 – 6:43 pm | Comments Off on Vayelech: All For The Boss2,848 views
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Three Messages
I always say that it’s better to work for G-d, than for man. Man pays a higher salary than G-d, and every Rabbi can attest to that, but when you need the money and G-d is your boss, G-d always comes through.


Emor: Trying Times

April 27, 2014 – 2:56 am | Comments Off on Emor: Trying Times4,450 views
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Optimism in Trying Times
We live in trying times. The economy keeps forcing us to tighten our belts. Even those that have tightened up considerably, are called on to tighten some more. People are working harder, earning less and paying more than ever before. Some are more comfortable and others less, …

Bo: The Curse of Wealth

January 10, 2013 – 1:48 pm | Comments Off on Bo: The Curse of Wealth3,921 views
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Too Rich To Care
The curse of wealth is well documented. People win the lottery, find themselves with more money than they know what to do with and before long are besieged by friends who want a handout, strangers who encourage foolish investments and con artists who seek to clean them …

Noah: Money is Just a Tool

October 14, 2012 – 2:39 am | Comments Off on Noah: Money is Just a Tool3,283 views
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The Olive Symbol
The flood had lasted for forty days and forty nights. The rainfall and water surges were relentless, nothing and no one was spared, even the mountaintops were flooded. But the rains tapered off and the waters receded. The ark, adrift on an endless ocean, floated aimlessly for months.


Korach: Wealth as a Status Symbol

June 17, 2012 – 11:51 am | Comments Off on Korach: Wealth as a Status Symbol8,863 views
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What is your aspiration? To live a healthy and honest lifestyle, to raise happy well adjusted children, to contribute something of lasting significance to humanity, to live a life of piety, to master a subject and become a scholar; are all worthwhile causes, but accomplishing any of them requires money.


Ki Tisa: Money Minded

February 28, 2010 – 5:18 am | Comments Off on Ki Tisa: Money Minded2,887 views
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The Golden Calf
In the desert our ancestors built and worshiped a golden calf. In our enlightened age we don’t deify calves or even gold for that matter, but in some ways we still behave as if gold were indeed the object of our worship.
