D’varim: Eternal Commitment
A Shabbat of Vision
The Shabbat before the ninth of Av goes by the name Shabbat of vision, so called in honor of Isaiah’s vision that is recorded in the Haftorah chanted on this Shabbat. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Bardichev (1740-1810) taught that on this Shabbat of vision the Jewish soul is offered a glimpse, a vision, of the third Bet Hamikdash. Though we are unaware of our soul’s vision it nevertheless inspires a stronger Jewish commitment.
The Power of Three
It is instructive to note that the vision offered is specifically of the third Bet Hamikdash. The number three is instructive because it underscores the firm, unchanging nature of our religious commitment. There are three kinds of Jews, the pious, the wicked and the penitent. The numbers one, two and three represent them.
Number one represents the pious for they have only one direction in life, that of Torah. Number two represents the wicked for it indicates the alternate route he has chosen namely, the unG-dly. Number three represents the penitent for he has already experienced stages one and two, but has moved on to the third stage, that of penitence.
The pious are offset by the wicked just as the number two counters number one. The wicked mocks the piety of the righteous by arguing that it has never been tested. “Let’s see how he responds to temptation” the wicked one taunts. The pious has no answer but the penitent has the perfect retort. “I have been tempted and I have returned, my integrity is now beyond reproach.” His penitence proves his commitment is firm and unchanging.
Number three’s firm, unchanging commitment underscores our eternal bond with G-d. It is for this reason that the third Bet Hamikdash will also be eternal.