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Articles in Tu B’Av

Vaetchanan: The Full Moon

July 18, 2021 – 7:14 pm | Comments Off on Vaetchanan: The Full Moon1,128 views

This Shabbat will be special because the full moon will shine on Friday night. The full moon occurs every month but is most important in the month of Av. The Temple’s destruction on the ninth day of this month was the low point in Jewish history. At that time, it …

Vaetchanan: Therapeutic Healing

July 17, 2013 – 5:52 am | Comments Off on Vaetchanan: Therapeutic Healing3,415 views
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A Six Day Journey
We come away from the ninth of Av, the saddest day in the Jewish calendar, with a spring to our step and a sense of hope. The six day stretch between the ninth and the fifteenth of Av are a transitional period, a time for healing. Our …

Tu B’av: When Smaller Is Bigger

August 2, 2009 – 3:53 am | Comments Off on Tu B’av: When Smaller Is Bigger7,950 views
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Self Doubt
Have you ever made a snap decision that radically altered your lifestyle? I’m talking about deciding to move to a place you were visiting, changed careers midcourse,  or perhaps seeing something attractive in a particular teacher and making a snap decision to transfer your child to her class.
