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Articles in Yitro

The Lightkeeper

January 27, 2024 – 8:35 pm | Comments Off on The Lightkeeper370 views

Boston Light, the first lighthouse to be built in what would become the United States was also the last lighthouse to have an official keeper. Sally Snowman stepped down from the role as the world slipped into 2024.


The Key To Integrity

February 9, 2023 – 10:16 am | Comments Off on The Key To Integrity1,633 views

If you are honest and speak with integrity, people will respect you and enjoy your company. If you charm people and tell them what they want to hear while you secretly disdain them, they will see through your charm and reject you.
This is not always evident upfront. On the surface …

Yitro: One Heart

January 15, 2022 – 7:20 pm | Comments Off on Yitro: One Heart1,298 views

When the Jewish people camped at Sinai, the Torah tells us that they were united. Rather than saying that they camped at Mount Sinai, the Torah says, he camped at Mount Sinai.[1] This draws the attention of Rashi, the eleventh century biblical commentator, who observes, “As one people with one …

Yitro: One People

January 31, 2021 – 12:11 am | Comments Off on Yitro: One People1,433 views

Shortly after arriving at Mount Sinai, the Torah tells us that the Jewish people were like one people. The Torah says that he (rather than they) settled near the mountain. Rashi, the famous biblical commentator, pointed out the anomaly and observed that at that point they were singular; like one …

Yitro: Thought Sins

February 10, 2020 – 3:19 pm | Comments Off on Yitro: Thought Sins1,555 views

Thought Sins? Did you ever imagine that the Torah legislates our thoughts? A human police force would never get away with that, but G-d, who made us, can and does.
The Ten Commandments were inscribed on two tablets, five on each. The commandments on the first tablet, belief in G-d, the …

Yitro: Time for Torah

January 19, 2019 – 9:02 pm | Comments Off on Yitro: Time for Torah1,827 views

We all must make time for Torah, but how much time is a matter of perspective. When G-d gave us the Torah at Sinai, He gave the same Torah to all Jews. We are all bound by the same laws and we all share the same level of access to …

Yitro: The Truth Lover

January 27, 2018 – 11:44 pm | Comments Off on Yitro: The Truth Lover2,651 views

Nothing, But the Truth
Have you ever noticed that there is an entire portion in the Torah named after a proselyte? And not just any portion, but the portion that describes the Ten Commandments. Why was this portion named after Jethro, a proselyte?
Our sages explained that this was a tribute to …

Yitro: Taking Notice

February 12, 2017 – 12:10 am | Comments Off on Yitro: Taking Notice2,652 views

Do You Notice?
You know the fellow, who regularly collects the prayer books at your synagogue? The one who quietly circulates around the room and carries armloads of books back to the shelf? I am sure you thanked him the first and second time that he took your book, but do …