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Parasites live inside or on organisms of other species and feed off them. This is why parasitism is the ultimate insult. It means that you don’t provide for yourself, let alone contribute to others. You steal from others for your very existence.
In a sense, we are all parasitic. Every living …

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Home » Passover, Shemot Parshah

Shemot: Faith Based Relationship

Submitted by on January 15, 2006 – 10:09 pmNo Comment | 3,007 views

Nurtured by a Miracle

Throughout the period of Jewish exile in Egypt, Jews experienced many miracles and divine interventions. Children were born in a miraculous fashion; they were raised in the fields by G-d and would arrive home, alive and healthy, at a mature age. They were fed, clothed and even housed by the Almighty himself to the extent that every Jewish child was able to recognize the Almighty, as one would his own parent.

In light of the above, the question of why does G-d not show himself today, as he did then, becomes all the more powerful. How can he expect us to believe in him and accept him when he won’t reveal himself to us or interact with us? The answer lies in the power of our faith.

The Test of Faith

This answer was alluded to in the Talmud where various sages expressed their jealousy towards our generation, the one that is destined to experience the last stages of exile. They perceived that the power of our faith would be such that it would not require miracles or proof in order to sustain itself.

The early sages desired our faith-based relationship with G-d for faith is not dependent upon the magnitude of G-d’s miracles nor is it impeded by the limitation of our perception. Faith retains the freedom to grasp the abstract and transcendent in an absolute and relevant manner.

The early Jews who were enslaved in Egypt may have lost their connection with G-d had they not “seen” him every day. We however are able to accept him on faith even when we lack evidence and absolute proof of his existence. 

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