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Articles tagged with: miracles

Purim: The Boring Moments

March 12, 2022 – 9:47 pm | Comments Off on Purim: The Boring Moments1,123 views

The boring moments are, well, boring. Why do we need them, can’t G-d just give us a short life filled with thrills rather than a long life with long stretches of boring moments? Who wants to be stuck in traffic or wait on line at the supermarket? Who wants to …

Purim: The Nature of Miracles

February 24, 2018 – 10:52 pm | Comments Off on Purim: The Nature of Miracles2,614 views

Haman wasn’t the first villain in his family. He came from an illustrious line of Jew haters. He was a descendant of the infamous Amalek, the first to advise Pharaoh to enslave us and the first to make war against us after the exodus.
The Torah describes the dramatic war that …

Beshalach: Miracle of Love

January 15, 2017 – 12:13 am | Comments Off on Beshalach: Miracle of Love2,880 views

he Debate
They stood at the seashore overwhelmed by the miracle of love they had witnessed. All night long, they had crossed the sea and as the sun rose, they could not believe their eyes – the seashore was strewn with dead Egyptian bodies. Only then did the full magnitude of …

Purim: The Divine Curveball

March 20, 2016 – 4:39 pm | Comments Off on Purim: The Divine Curveball2,752 views

The Curveball
Can you believe its almost April? With the baseball season only days away, my mind turns to my non existent curveball. You see, the curveball is one of the many reasons I will never be a pitcher. My curveball just doesn’t curve. I can throw it straight, fast or …

Toldot: The Secret of Jewish Survival

November 10, 2014 – 9:04 pm | Comments Off on Toldot: The Secret of Jewish Survival2,771 views
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Survival Throughout History
Blaise Pascal, French theologian and philosopher, wrote at length about the marvel of Jewish survival. Powerful kings have tried to destroy them, yet the Jews survived whereas the nations of Greece, Italy, Athens and Rome have long perished. It is said that when King Louis XIV of France …

Passover: The Mighty Hand

March 24, 2013 – 7:40 pm | Comments Off on Passover: The Mighty Hand6,410 views
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Why the Long Process?
The phrase “G-d took us from Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm,” is a common refrain in the Passover liturgy. The obvious meaning here is that the Jews, enslaved by fierce captors, were powerless to escape, G-d appeared with a mighty arm and an …

Why Doesn’t G-d Make Miracles Anymore?

May 7, 2012 – 1:48 am | Comments Off on Why Doesn’t G-d Make Miracles Anymore?3,652 views
splitting the river

A Holiday for Every Miracle
Almost every miracle in Jewish history has a holiday. It is an ingenious way of keeping history alive. Jewish children don’t need a history lesson to tell you when G-d gave the Ten Commandments or when our ancestors left Egypt. They don’t need to learn it, …

Bo: The Miracle of Nature

January 25, 2009 – 4:56 am | Comments Off on Bo: The Miracle of Nature2,678 views
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Months and Years
Have you ever wondered why there are annual cycles in the lunar calendar and monthly cycles in the solar calendar? Think about it. The solar calendar is defined by the cycle of seasons as the earth tilts on its axis for three-hundred-and-sixty-five days; nothing in this calendar lends …