Articles in The Jewish Faith
The Dependable Sibling

Some siblings are dependable. They show up to every family affair and are always in touch. They are the first to call when you return from a trip and always ask how you are doing. Some siblings are not quite like that. You hardly hear from them; they are always …
Show Your Children Your Love of Judaism

This week, we read about the birth of Jacob’s children. Twelve of his thirteen children were born in this week’s Torah portion. Jacob’s children all followed their father’s lead, unlike his father and grandfather. Abraham had Ishmael, Isaac had Esau, and Jacob had thirteen children who emulated him.
We don’t raise …
In G-d We Trust

In G-d We Trust
Do you trust in G-d? Is that your first go-to option when you experience a setback?
Suppose your car breaks down, you lose your job, or your dental insurance lapses just before your child needs a root canal, is your first reaction, “In G-d we trust?” Sadly, for …
Why Ten Plagues?

This week we are introduced to the ten plagues. Seven plagues appear in our Torah portion and the last three appear in next week’s Torah portion. Have you ever noticed that there are ten plagues, ten commandments, and G-d Created the world with ten utterances? What is the common link?
Tetzaveh: Desperate for Mashiach

Are you desperate for Mashiach? If so, why? You live in the most stable and prosperous generation that Jews have experienced since the beginning of our exile. Why do you need Mashiach? You are not oppressed, suffering, impoverished, or persecuted. You are living well, you have the admiration of your …
Shemot: Diaspora Judaism

Diaspora Judaism has been a problem for the community of nations from time immemorial. It is a unique phenomenon that only the Jew has experienced. Exiled from our country for nearly two thousand years, we stubbornly refused to assimilate and to dissipate. We clung tenaciously to our Jewish identity and …
Devarim: The Rational You

The Torah is divided into two parts—the first four books and the last book. The last book is in a category of its own because it is largely written as if Moses were talking rather than as G-d talking. Rather than saying “Moses spoke” this book reads, “I spoke.”
However, before …
Vayera: The Moral Sense

The moral sense is the innate human conviction that kindness and fairness are good, and cruelty is bad. We can’t explain why this is so, but if anyone would claim that cruelty is good and challenge us to explain why it is bad, we would throw up our hands in …