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Articles in Tu B’shvat

Shlach: What I Learned From A Tree

June 12, 2011 – 4:46 am | Comments Off on Shlach: What I Learned From A Tree3,465 views
what I learned from a tree innerstream

The Holy Tree
Oh, the tales trees could tell if only trees could tell tales.There is a large tree in my backyard under whose branches many little dramas have played out. Many a toddler has crawled under its branches, many a back has leaned against its trunk, over the years the …

Tu Bishvat: Economic Blessings

February 8, 2009 – 3:51 am | Comments Off on Tu Bishvat: Economic Blessings2,901 views

Full Moon
The fifteenth day of every lunar month, when the moon is at its fullest, is a day of celebration. From that point forward the moon’s size diminishes slightly every night until it disappears. The curious point is that the moon neither grows nor shrinks. Its light is neither dimmed …