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Articles tagged with: israel

Miracle of Miracles

April 17, 2024 – 5:42 pm | Comments Off on Miracle of Miracles343 views

The greatest miracle of our times, on par, perhaps, with that of the Six-Day War, occurred last Saturday night. More than 360 missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles were dispatched by Iran to Israel. The intention was to destroy defensive infrastructure, wreak mayhem and havoc, and destroy Jewish lives.
Some of the …

Can Israel Survive Alone?

March 30, 2024 – 10:11 pm | Comments Off on Can Israel Survive Alone?371 views
United Nations Security Council meets after Russia recognized two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine as independent entities, in New York City, U.S. February 21, 2022.  REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

Shemini: Can Israel Survive Alone?
In 1972, Yitzchak Rabin served as Israeli Ambassador to the United States. He had an audience with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who asked him if he felt he was alone among the 120 states represented in Washington. The Rebbe explained that “am levadad Yishkon”—our nation dwells alone …

Where Do You Belong?

December 16, 2023 – 11:34 pm | Comments Off on Where Do You Belong?361 views

Where do you belong? Where is home for you? Is home where your body resides or where your soul wants to be? As Jews, we are only at home in a holy land. Yet, most Jews live in the diaspora all over the world. So, for those of us who …

Unrest in Israel

April 29, 2023 – 10:42 pm | Comments Off on Unrest in Israel574 views
unrest in israel

The current unrest in Israel is not about the state of its democracy or the role of its judiciary.  As many analysts have correctly surmised, the tensions are over the direction and soul of the country. The modern state of Israel was founded by secular Zionism, which established a secular …

Bamidbar: Israel Is On Fire

May 12, 2021 – 11:12 pm | Comments Off on Bamidbar: Israel Is On Fire32,926 views

Israel is on fire this week and we live in an age where this cannot be denied. Footage of skies filled with rockets fired maliciously into densely populated neighborhoods, flood our social media accounts daily. Our brethren live in shelters and too many have been struck. The iron dome is …

Shemot: A Jew In Exile

December 22, 2018 – 11:33 pm | Comments Off on Shemot: A Jew In Exile1,962 views

When Moses stood before the burning bush, G-d said to him, “I have seen the affliction of My people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their cry because of their slave drivers.” Two verses later, G-d said: “And now, the cry of the children of Israel has come …

Nitzavim: Democracy in Israel

September 2, 2018 – 5:37 pm | Comments Off on Nitzavim: Democracy in Israel5,295 views

Is Israel a democracy or a theocracy? Here is the story:
The Tel Aviv municipality and the Ayalon Highway Company plan to build a new pedestrian and cycling bridge that would cross the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv, one of the country’s most congested freeways.
The Ayalon Highway Company planned to shut …

Ki Tavo: Onward to Israel

August 25, 2018 – 9:53 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tavo: Onward to Israel2,279 views

Israel is our homeland. It is a holy and G-dly land on which G-d keeps a very careful eye. Our sages taught that the very air one breathes in Israel makes one wise to the ways of Torah. Our sages used to bend to kiss the stones of Israel when …