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Articles in Rabbi’s Desk

What Can We Do?

October 9, 2023 – 2:57 am | Comments Off on What Can We Do?821 views
what can we do

These past two days have been the most difficult for our people in the last fifty years. It was Simchat Torah, a time for rejoicing, yet it was a time of horror. Nearly a thousand members of our family were brutally murdered, more than a hundred were taken hostage, and …

The Passing of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

November 12, 2020 – 6:18 pm | Comments Off on The Passing of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks24,670 views

It has been around a year since the world has lost a great leader with the passing of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. Who will be his successor?
There will be millions beginning with me and you.
Rabbi Sacks was a unique and leading voice among rabbis in our generation. His keen intellect and …

Festival Shabbat: Show Respect

April 14, 2017 – 2:01 pm | Comments Off on Festival Shabbat: Show Respect5,249 views

United Airlines
Social media is abuzz with the terrible story that occurred on United Airlines several days ago. Dr, Dao, a 69 year old physician on a flight from Chicago to Louisville, was physically dragged off a plane after being beaten by three police officers. The physician’s crime was refusing to …

Two Girls One Family

April 15, 2016 – 1:15 am | Comments Off on Two Girls One Family3,061 views
Two Girls

This past weekend, two Jewish high-school girls Bracha Katz and Rivkah Moshe from Miami, Florida, joined their classmates on a school trip to Orlando. During the weekend, on Shabbat afternoon, the two went for a stroll, when they tripped and fell into a swamp. They managed to extract themselves from …

Don’t Pass The Puck: Your Children Need You

April 6, 2016 – 10:29 pm | Comments Off on Don’t Pass The Puck: Your Children Need You2,623 views

The other day I went to the blood lab for a blood test. When I presented my paper work (remember I live in the happy world of Socialised Medicine) the technician gave me a long face accompanied by a sophisticated eye roll and a dismissive hand wave. I thought I …