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Home » Passover

Passover: He Does not Abandon

Submitted by on November 2, 2005 – 3:15 amNo Comment | 6,879 views

Where Is G-d?

There was once a young, fun loving, boy full of vigor and spunk. One day, having acted up during Hebrew School, the boy was called into the rabbi’s office. From under his heavy eyebrows, the rabbi’s deep-set eyes peered out at the child. In a soft but firm voice the rabbi gently asked, “my child, do you know where G-d is?’ Not having expected this curious question the child squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. The rabbi, a bit impatiently, repeated “ My child, I said where is G-d?’

By now, the child began to worry. The rabbi stood up to his full height, mustering the full force of his authority, he demanded “MY CHILD I ASKED YOU A QUESTION, WHERE IS G-D?

In a blind panic the child turned and fled the office. Seeking out his best friend he pulled him aside and anxiously whispered, “I think I’m in trouble, G-d is missing and the Rabbi thinks I took him.”

Making His Presence Known

This story particularly resonates with us during the holiday of Pesach. When Moshe first approaches Pharaoh and informs him of G-d’s request that he let the People go, Pharaoh responds with an arrogant “Who is this Jewish G-d that I should listen to him?” Pharaoh calls upon his librarian to research the celestial index book for the G-d of Israel and indeed the Jewish G-d is not found.

Several weeks later G-d makes his presence very well known, first blood, then frogs, then lice, wild beasts, pestilence etc. Imagine, after two hundred years of freely oppressing the Jewish people and encountering only silence, Pharaoh finds himself faced with a vengeful, wrathful G-d who is suddenly very much in existence.

Indeed, Pharaoh soon realizes what we, the Jewish people, have always known; the Jewish G-d is never absent, he may conceal himself for short moments but behind the scenes he continues to be there.

As we celebrate Pesach let’s remember this invaluable lesson. At times life turns dark and fills with sorrow, it seems that G-d has abandoned us to fend for ourselves. Let’s remember the lesson about G-d that Pharaoh learned so well. He does not abandon his people. He never has, he never does and he never will.

Chag Sameiach

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