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Articles tagged with: antisemitism

We Are Not Victims

June 2, 2024 – 1:14 am | Comments Off on We Are Not Victims170 views

This Shabbat, the 2’nd of Sivan, will be three-thousand-three-hundred-thirty-six years since G-d declared us a kingdom of princes. However, when our enemies take potshots at our children’s schools, it is hard to feel like a kingdom of princes. Nevertheless, that was precisely how I felt when I watched footage of …

Antisemitism Rears Its Ugly Head

November 25, 2023 – 10:02 pm | Comments Off on Antisemitism Rears Its Ugly Head370 views

Antisemitism has reared its ugly head again. It is no surprise. Antisemitism never really went away. Our sages taught that antisemitism is an unchanging, intractable scourge. Esau will always hate Jacob.[1] The only question is how close to the surface it lies.
The story of Esau and Jacob appears in the …

The Jewish Core Emerges

November 15, 2023 – 7:17 pm | Comments Off on The Jewish Core Emerges387 views
Jewish Core

The Jewish core has emerged stronger than ever these past few weeks. The monstrous massacre, compounded by the public blaming Jews for it, was a murderous double stab to the collective Jewish heart. The fact that some of our decades-long friends and neighbors have turned on us so suddenly left …

Purim: The Response to Antisemitism

February 20, 2021 – 9:35 pm | Comments Off on Purim: The Response to Antisemitism1,324 views

Purim represents a victory over antisemitism. Haman was the preeminent antisemite. He didn’t need a reason to hate Jews. He hated them because they were Jewish. Any of his reasons were excuses on which to hang his hat, but they weren’t his primary reasons.
Let’s look at the story of Purim …

Shemot: Why They Hate Us

January 11, 2020 – 10:00 pm | Comments Off on Shemot: Why They Hate Us1,393 views

They hate us. Not for anything we do or did. They just hate us. The past month saw a near-daily rash of attacks against Jews. These weren’t isolated attacks by right-wing radicals and white supremacists. These were attacks by ordinary members of the black community against Jews in New York. …

Purim: Jewish Identity

March 16, 2019 – 10:41 pm | Comments Off on Purim: Jewish Identity1,807 views

Can we deny our Jewish identity? This question was a subject of debate among Jews since the advent of the Jewish enlightenment. Reeling under the burden of antisemitism, many Jews concluded that if they were to conform in dress and behavior to the wider population, they would blend in and …

Pinchas: Anti-Semitism

July 6, 2014 – 5:02 am | Comments Off on Pinchas: Anti-Semitism4,565 views

Jewish Surprise
As the Jewish word recoiled from the murder of three Jewish teenagers in Israel, Jews the world over were shocked by news of a Palestinian youth’s murder in Jerusalem. But with the shock came deep disappointment at the response of World leaders, who condemned Jews for this murder even …

Chanukah: Naturally in Love with G-d

December 18, 2011 – 2:04 am | Comments Off on Chanukah: Naturally in Love with G-d3,042 views
naturally in love - innerstream

The Split
I once asked an audience to tell me which historical factor contributed most to our continuity and one fellow insisted that the correct answer was anti-Semitism. When the nations reject us we have no choice, but to turn inward. When the nations befriend and accept us we tend to blend into the global culture …