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Articles in Bereishit Parshah

When G-d Begs Forgiveness

October 11, 2023 – 10:54 pm | Comments Off on When G-d Begs Forgiveness633 views
G-d Begs Forgiveness

This week we read that sometimes even G-d begs forgiveness. The story of Genesis tells us that when G-d first created the luminaries, He made the sun and the moon equal in stature—two equal rulers. How did the moon become so small and dependant on the sun for light?
The Talmud …

Loving talk

October 18, 2022 – 9:47 pm | Comments Off on Loving talk701 views
loving talk

Loving talk is not only G-d’s preferred language; it is built into the very fabric of creation.
“In the beginning, G-d created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was astonishingly empty . . . And G-d said, let there be light. G-d saw that the light was good and …

Bereshit: No More No Less

September 29, 2021 – 9:47 pm | Comments Off on Bereshit: No More No Less907 views
no more no less

No more no less, is an aphorism that implies that you are doing just fine. There is no need to adjust. You are on the right path, headed in the right direction, and at the right speed. You don’t need to do more than you are already doing, and you …

Bereshit: Beginning with Genesis

October 15, 2020 – 11:12 am | Comments Off on Bereshit: Beginning with Genesis2,443 views

The Torah begins with the Genesis of history—the creation of the world. The Torah is not a history book. It is a manual for life —the world Torah means instruction. When we see a historical nugget in the Torah, we must ask why it was included, what instruction for life …

Bereshit: Human Centric

October 22, 2019 – 10:06 pm | Comments Off on Bereshit: Human Centric1,486 views

For millennia it was believed that the world is human centric, but science has slowly chipped away at this assumption.
From the day the first astronomer focused his gaze on the distant stars, humans postulated that our planet sits at the center of the universe and serves as the focal point …

Bereshit: Long Life

October 3, 2018 – 9:00 pm | Comments Off on Bereshit: Long Life1,959 views

In many communities it is customary to wish one another ‘long life’ after a funeral or in a house of mourning. In the simple sense it is a wish for longevity, in the deeper sense it means that our lives should be long–filled with achievements that outlast our lifetimes.
This brings …

Bereshit: Is Your Wife Against You or Behind You?

October 25, 2016 – 9:43 pm | Comments Off on Bereshit: Is Your Wife Against You or Behind You?2,623 views

The Mentoring Wife
The other day, I visited with a couple I had never met. I noticed that while the wife sat quietly through the conversation letting her husband do most of the talking, she was not at all shy about correcting his behavior. Every time he said or did something …

Bereshit: Name Calling

October 25, 2016 – 9:31 pm | Comments Off on Bereshit: Name Calling3,830 views

What’s In A Name?
Here is a trivia question for you: Can you name the first scientist in all of history? Here is another question: Is science the work of G-d or does it merely satisfy human curiosity?
If you guessed Adam, you guessed right. If you answered that science is G-d’s …