Articles in Bereishit Parshah
Bereshit: Finding Fault
Not Again
We have emerged from the High Holidays energized and filled with enthusiasm. Last year’s shortcomings were all catalogued, confessed and forgiven. Atonement has been secured and we celebrated for a full week. We concluded the festive season by chanting the final portion of the Torah, thus completing our annual …
Bereishit: The Constructive No
Obsessed with Prohibitions
The Torah is obsessed with the word No; don’t do this, refrain from that, this is negative and that is dangerous. For every one “do” there are ten “don’ts.” Take Shabbat for example. Its only positive commandment is to sanctify the day; all others are negative. Don’t drive, …
Bereishit: The Quick Turn Around
The End of a Time
The High Holiday season has drawn to a close. The drama of Rosh Hashanah, the aura of Yom Kippur, the joy of Sukkot and the dancing of Simchat Torah all passed in a frenzy of activity. There were services, rituals, programs and oh so much food. The …
Bereshit: Introducing Temptation
What You Don’t Know Can’t Hurt You
Have you ever known a baby to come out of the womb craving chocolate? Of course not! Parents have the same conversation every time a baby starts eating solids. “How long do you think we can keep him away from sweets?” As long as …
Bereishit: Free Choice
Is He Really There?
“In The Beginning G-d Created The Heaven And The Earth”. These words have sparked many arguments over the years, both theological and philosophical. Monotheism versus atheism, creationism versus evolutionism, religious over secular; a potpourri of choices are laid out before you and you are free to choose.
Bereishit: The Serpent Within
Evil Inclination
In this week’s Parsha we read of the dialogue between Eve and the serpent. Jewish sources tell us that the serpent’s spirit is the archetypal Yetzer Hara, evil inclination, that exists within every Jew. It therefore follows that an analysis of the serpent’s words will familiarize us with our …