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Articles tagged with: blessing

The Kohen

May 27, 2023 – 11:40 pm | Comments Off on The Kohen425 views

The kohen (priest) plays many central roles in this week’s Torah portion. Primary among them is the priestly blessing. G-d endowed the kohen with the power to confer blessing. It is a potent power. Imagine holding the keys to another’s fortune and happiness. If you choose, you can endow them …

Bestow Blessing

June 8, 2022 – 8:15 pm | Comments Off on Bestow Blessing853 views
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Every Jew has the power to bestow blessing. If you see a friend in need of a blessing, bestow blessing and don’t hide behind the illusion that you are too ordinary. Don’t be too humble and don’t be too stingy. Bestow blessing and let G-d worry about how to deliver …

Beshalach: Shabbat

January 13, 2019 – 2:37 pm | Comments Off on Beshalach: Shabbat2,516 views

When our ancestors traveled through the desert, they were nourished by Manna that fell miraculously from heaven every morning of the week with the exception of Shabbat. There was no Manna on Shabbat; instead two portions fell on Friday, one for Friday, the other for Shabbat.
Nevertheless, the Zohar, the seminal …

Balak: I Am Blessed

July 1, 2017 – 11:37 pm | Comments Off on Balak: I Am Blessed3,095 views

Blessed Blessing
It was a happy time for the Jews; they were on their way to Israel. But the nations in the vicinity were most unhappy. One of those nations, Moab, hired Balaam the soothsayer to curse the Jews.
Balaam attempted to curse the Jews, but every time he attempted to curse, …

Naso: The Priestly Blessings of Growth

May 12, 2013 – 5:38 am | Comments Off on Naso: The Priestly Blessings of Growth3,451 views
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Three Parts
A while back, someone in my congregation noticed that the Kohen, during the priestly blessings, repeated the cantor’s errors, when echoing his intonations. He inquired with the Kohen, who replied that he hadn’t noticed. He explained that when offering the blessing he tries to empty his mind and make …

Tzav: Birchat Hachamah – When the Sun Sings Again

March 29, 2009 – 3:04 am | Comments Off on Tzav: Birchat Hachamah – When the Sun Sings Again3,151 views
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A Unique Event
On Wednesday morning, April 8, 2009, Jews around the world recited a blessing over the sun that was last recited in twenty-eight years ago. This blessing is recited when the sun returns to its point of origin, where it was when it was first created. Though the sun …

Tezaveh: When Right Meets Left

February 4, 2007 – 1:43 am | Comments Off on Tezaveh: When Right Meets Left2,647 views
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North and South
What would you rather, wisdom or wealth? Sounds like a solomonic question, but our sages provided a road map. “If you seek wealth turn to the north and if you seek wisdom turn to the south.” But how exactly dos turning north or south provide wisdom or wealth? …

Lech L’cha: The Power of Blessing

November 2, 2005 – 1:13 am | Comments Off on Lech L’cha: The Power of Blessing2,715 views

Two Anomalies
In our Parsha G-d makes a powerful promise to Avraham, one we would all have loved to receive. “And I shall bless those who bless you, and he who curses you shall be cursed.” Upon examination, the reader will notice two anomalies.
