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Articles in B’Midbar Parshah

We Are Not Victims

June 2, 2024 – 1:14 am | Comments Off on We Are Not Victims170 views

This Shabbat, the 2’nd of Sivan, will be three-thousand-three-hundred-thirty-six years since G-d declared us a kingdom of princes. However, when our enemies take potshots at our children’s schools, it is hard to feel like a kingdom of princes. Nevertheless, that was precisely how I felt when I watched footage of …

Follow The Money

May 13, 2023 – 10:59 pm | Comments Off on Follow The Money683 views
the money

One of the most popular antisemitic tropes is that Jews are all about money. But is there perhaps some truth to this? After all, when the Jewish census was taken, Moses didn’t count people. Instead, he counted money. He told each Jew to donate a half silver coin, and he …

Bamidbar: Israel Is On Fire

May 12, 2021 – 11:12 pm | Comments Off on Bamidbar: Israel Is On Fire32,922 views

Israel is on fire this week and we live in an age where this cannot be denied. Footage of skies filled with rockets fired maliciously into densely populated neighborhoods, flood our social media accounts daily. Our brethren live in shelters and too many have been struck. The iron dome is …

Bamidbar: You Count

May 16, 2020 – 10:39 pm | Comments Off on Bamidbar: You Count1,543 views

You count, we each do. But the question is, for how much? Do you count for one, do you count for more than one, for less than one? Compared to everyone around you, what is your value?
When G-d instructed Moses to take a census of the Jews, he arrived at …

Bamidbar: Count for Something

May 10, 2018 – 9:40 pm | Comments Off on Bamidbar: Count for Something2,292 views

G-d instructed Moses to take a census of the Jewish people in the desert. In all, G-d told Moses to count the Jews three times in a forty-year period. Rashi, the famed eleventh century biblical commentator, explained that G-d counts the Jews because He loves them.[1]
This statement makes it sound …

Bamidbar: Does Being Chosen Make You Uncomfortable?

May 24, 2017 – 10:09 pm | Comments Off on Bamidbar: Does Being Chosen Make You Uncomfortable?2,632 views

Being Chosen
People always say, never let a compliment get to your head. But what does that mean? If the compliment is true, shouldn’t we own it, take pride in it and let it boost our self esteem? The obvious answer is that we don’t mind owning it. We mind growing …

Bamidbar: Positive Thought

May 18, 2014 – 3:38 am | Comments Off on Bamidbar: Positive Thought2,849 views
positive thought -

Is Optimism Naive?
Are you confident about the future? There are those who are frustratingly optimistic. No matter what the present, their faith in mankind, destiny and G-d’s basic commitment to goodness is unshakable. Others are more jaded. They look at the current state of affairs and take a dismal view …

Bamidbar: G-d’s Love

May 5, 2013 – 5:55 am | Comments Off on Bamidbar: G-d’s Love3,826 views
love - innerstream

Does He Need A Census?
The book of numbers opens with G-d directing Moses to take a national census,[1] which begs an obvious question. Does an All Knowing G-d require a census to know the precise number of Jews? This question is only amplified when you consider that this was the …