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Articles in Chukat

Lift Up, Don’t Put Down

July 6, 2024 – 11:26 pm | Comments Off on Lift Up, Don’t Put Down123 views

On occasion, we all need to correct or critique someone. It might be a colleague, employee, sibling, child, or even a spouse. How do you tend to do it? Would you say something like, “You’re doing it all wrong, here watch me,” or “Let me show you a more efficient …

The Whip

July 5, 2022 – 9:35 am | Comments Off on The Whip977 views

The whip is usually an instrument of punishment, but it can also be a gift. Teachers of old used the whip to administer corporeal punishment. However, the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, once wrote about a teacher that was beloved by his students. This teacher never used the …

Chukat: An Available Tool

June 13, 2021 – 11:22 am | Comments Off on Chukat: An Available Tool1,290 views

This week we read the Torah portion that delineates the laws of the Red Heifer. Jews who contacted a dead body were deemed ritually impure. The process of purification was lengthy, but one of the steps was for the impure person to be sprinkled with a mixture of water and …

Chukat Balak: The Commandments

June 25, 2020 – 10:15 pm | Comments Off on Chukat Balak: The Commandments1,351 views
heart of religion - innerstream

The Torah’s laws about how to purify oneself from ritual contamination can only be prevalent at a time when ritual contamination is possible. Ritual contamination occurs when a Jew comes in contact with a dead body. When the Mashiach comes, the prophetic promise that death will cease and all the …

Chukat: Live or Die

June 20, 2018 – 6:52 pm | Comments Off on Chukat: Live or Die2,237 views

What do you think Judaism advocates, that we live for G-d or that we die for G-d?
Throughout history there have been two classic Jewish views. One was to place physical survival above spiritual; to live at all costs even the violation of our sacred Torah principles and cherished Jewish traditions. …

Chukat: For Another

June 25, 2017 – 2:31 pm | Comments Off on Chukat: For Another5,287 views

Only G-d
The best way to reach G-d is to sacrifice everything for another. We learn this from a fascinating detail about the Red Heifer.
When Moses was told that it is possible to be purified even after contact with a dead body, he was surprised. Death, the absence of life, represents …

Chukat: Miracles

July 12, 2016 – 12:58 pm | Comments Off on Chukat: Miracles3,059 views
journey forth - innerstream

Two Wars
Why don’t we see miracles in our time similar to the miracles our ancestors saw in Biblical times? I would think that if G-d were to show his hand today, it would inspire billions to believe in Him. He did this back then, why not again?


Chukat: The Yiddishe Mama

July 12, 2016 – 12:51 pm | Comments Off on Chukat: The Yiddishe Mama3,157 views

Miriam’s Well
Shortly after the passing of Miriam, the preeminent Yiddishe Mama, the stone that accompanied our ancestors in the desert for forty years, from which water flowed miraculously, ceased its flow. The nation realized that the water had been provided in the merit of Miriam and although Moses and Aaron …