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Articles in Acharei Mot

Every Jew A High Priest

April 24, 2023 – 10:10 pm | Comments Off on Every Jew A High Priest591 views
God's Space innerstream

Did you know that every Jew is a High Priest? I don’t say this tongue-in-cheek. According to the great commentator Rabbi Yakov Bal Haturim, this is precisely what G-d meant when he told our ancestors at Sinai, “You will be for me a kingdom of priests.”[1] Not only priests but …

We Are Needed

April 24, 2022 – 1:54 pm | Comments Off on We Are Needed1,127 views

What are we needed for? A Chasid once poured out his heart to Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi about his many needs. The Rebbe replied, you told me everything you need, but you said not a word about what you are needed for.
We often ask for the things we need, …

Acharei Kedoshim: Cancel Culture

April 17, 2021 – 9:31 pm | Comments Off on Acharei Kedoshim: Cancel Culture1,245 views

Cancel culture is a craze in our times. The airways and streets are ablaze with political correctness and groupthink. This isn’t the first time that cancel culture has taken hold. In my own lifetime I watched groupthink take hold several times and history books are replete with such examples. My …

Acharei Kedoshim: Balance

April 26, 2020 – 12:17 am | Comments Off on Acharei Kedoshim: Balance1,533 views

Balance is the most important tool to develop in life. Without balance, nothing succeeds. We learn this from Nadab and Abihu, Aaron’s two sons. They were among the holiest and the brightest of the Jewish people, but inexplicably, on the day that the tabernacle was erected, they entered the Holy …

Acharei Mot: Yom Kippur

April 29, 2019 – 9:37 am | Comments Off on Acharei Mot: Yom Kippur2,032 views

Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the Jewish calendar year. It is unusual to discuss Yom Kippur shortly after Passover, but it comes up this week because the Torah portion of the week describes the Yom Kippur service that was performed by the High Priest in the Holy of …

Acharei Mot Kedoshim: Chai to Life

April 21, 2018 – 11:08 pm | Comments Off on Acharei Mot Kedoshim: Chai to Life2,105 views

We are all familiar with chai, the Hebrew word for life. Chai has a numeric value of eighteen, which is why it is common for Jews to donate to charity in multiples of eighteen. The Talmud tells us that charity saves us from premature death.[1] When we donate in multiples …

Acharei: Be Upfront

April 30, 2017 – 1:01 am | Comments Off on Acharei: Be Upfront2,275 views

Mind Games
Too many people like to play mind games. They won’t be upfront and tell you that they are in hospital, but then they’ll complain when you don’t visit. They won’t tell you that they are in crisis, but will complain that you didn’t ask. They talk in riddles and …

Acharei Mot: For The People

May 2, 2016 – 10:08 am | Comments Off on Acharei Mot: For The People2,948 views

A Sobering Moment
I remember my first “for the people,” moment. I was officiating at my first Bar Mitzvah as a rabbi. The sanctuary was filled to the brim and my aim was to impress. I offered a wonderful introduction to the Bar Mitzvah boy and a flowery reflection on his …