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Articles in Ninth of Av

A Shabbat Fast

July 30, 2022 – 11:52 pm | Comments Off on A Shabbat Fast996 views

It is forbidden to fast on Shabbat. In fact, if we fast on Shabbat (even with halachic sanction) we must fast on a different day to atone for fasting on Shabbat. This is why the fast of Tishah Be’av—the ninth of Av, is postponed when it falls on Shabbat —as …

Fasting And Passover

July 16, 2022 – 11:54 pm | Comments Off on Fasting And Passover955 views

What do the seventeenth of Tamuz, the ninth of Av, and the first day of Passover have in common? They always fall on the same day of the week.
How does that make any sense? The first day of Passover represents the redemption of our ancestors from Egypt that sparked their …

Vaetchanan: The Full Moon

July 18, 2021 – 7:14 pm | Comments Off on Vaetchanan: The Full Moon1,129 views

This Shabbat will be special because the full moon will shine on Friday night. The full moon occurs every month but is most important in the month of Av. The Temple’s destruction on the ninth day of this month was the low point in Jewish history. At that time, it …

Re’e: The Missing Festival

August 4, 2018 – 11:47 pm | Comments Off on Re’e: The Missing Festival2,328 views

The festival of Sukkot falls on the fifteenth of Tishrei, two weeks into the new Jewish year. Accordingly, the Torah tells us, in Exodus 34:22, to celebrate Sukkot at the turn of the year. However, there is a discrepancy. Eleven chapters earlier, Exodus 23:16 told us to celebrate Sukkot at …

Devarim: A Healthy Waste

July 23, 2017 – 12:18 am | Comments Off on Devarim: A Healthy Waste2,636 views

A Holiday
Joseph Stalin reputedly visited a Jewish inmate in prison who was rumored to foresee the future. Can you tell me, asked Stalin, when I will die? Well, replied the Jew, I can’t tell you the exact date, but I can tell you that will die on a Jewish holiday. …

Masei: The Wandering Jew

July 16, 2017 – 1:24 am | Comments Off on Masei: The Wandering Jew2,968 views

Why is the Jew always wandering? We left Egypt and spent the next forty years wandering in a dessert. Throughout our exile, our people have wandered. Even today, Jews who live in stable countries, don’t remain in the same place for long. Even Jews in Israel, wander away in search …

Vayakhel Pekudei: The Temple of our Home

March 3, 2013 – 3:56 am | Comments Off on Vayakhel Pekudei: The Temple of our Home14,944 views
temple of our home - innerstream

To Live is To Remember
Everyone grieves differently. Some work hard to ignore the memories of a loved one because they are just too painful to revisit, others work hard to preserve the memories because without them they lose the gift of the past. Why should our loved one die twice, …

The Nine Days: Suffering Leads to Growth

July 22, 2012 – 5:49 am | Comments Off on The Nine Days: Suffering Leads to Growth5,759 views
suffering leads to growth - innerstream

Why Nine?
Life isn’t a coincidence. Everything has meaning, it’s all “Bashert” [providential]. In 350 BCE and again in 69 CE, during the days leading up to the destruction of the Temple, our ancestors suffered greatly. The Babylonian forces and later the Roman Legions ransacked Jerusalem and brutalized the inhabitants. Every …