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Articles in Shemot Parshah

How We Survived

December 30, 2023 – 9:16 pm | Comments Off on How We Survived490 views

Shemot: How We Survived
When we read about our bondage in Egypt, we can’t help but wonder how we survived. I don’t just mean how we survived physically, but how we survived emotionally. How did we rise from slavery in Egypt to become the most fabled nation in history? Why did …

The Uniquely Jewish Cry

January 7, 2023 – 9:51 pm | Comments Off on The Uniquely Jewish Cry649 views
jewish cry

Is there a uniquely Jewish cry or do Jews cry like everyone else? On the surface, the Jewish cry is no different than the non-Jewish cry. But the Torah seems to say different. There is a uniquely Jewish cry.
When Batya, Pharoh’s daughter, was bathing in the Nile River, she noticed …

Shemot: Just Ask

December 18, 2021 – 7:33 pm | Comments Off on Shemot: Just Ask18,822 views

We often tell people who are in need that all they need to do is ask. It is surprising to realize how often people want something and don’t think to ask. They assume others will realize their need and offer to help. If no one offers, they assume no one …

Shemot: Diaspora Judaism

January 2, 2021 – 6:53 pm | Comments Off on Shemot: Diaspora Judaism1,510 views

Diaspora Judaism has been a problem for the community of nations from time immemorial. It is a unique phenomenon that only the Jew has experienced. Exiled from our country for nearly two thousand years, we stubbornly refused to assimilate and to dissipate. We clung tenaciously to our Jewish identity and …

Shemot: Why They Hate Us

January 11, 2020 – 10:00 pm | Comments Off on Shemot: Why They Hate Us1,391 views

They hate us. Not for anything we do or did. They just hate us. The past month saw a near-daily rash of attacks against Jews. These weren’t isolated attacks by right-wing radicals and white supremacists. These were attacks by ordinary members of the black community against Jews in New York. …

Shemot: A Jew In Exile

December 22, 2018 – 11:33 pm | Comments Off on Shemot: A Jew In Exile1,960 views

When Moses stood before the burning bush, G-d said to him, “I have seen the affliction of My people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their cry because of their slave drivers.” Two verses later, G-d said: “And now, the cry of the children of Israel has come …

Shemos: Jewish Pride

December 30, 2017 – 9:41 pm | Comments Off on Shemos: Jewish Pride2,631 views

Our sages taught that when Jews were enslaved in Egypt, the tribe of Levi, remained free.[1] I asked my children to tell me why the tribe of Levi was given a pass from bondage and they supplied the very answers offered by our greatest luminaries. My older daughter explained that …

Shemot: The Beloved Teacher

January 14, 2017 – 11:59 pm | Comments Off on Shemot: The Beloved Teacher2,619 views
beloved teacher

My Beloved Teacher
I have had many teachers, but the ones that impacted me most, were the one who showed me kindness. You would think that if a teacher’s role is to teach, the most erudite scholar would have been the most memorable teacher. But that is not the case. The …