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Articles in Mase’ei

Life Journeys

July 23, 2022 – 11:52 pm | Comments Off on Life Journeys1,077 views

We are all on a journey, the journey of life. Although our journeys are similar in many ways, each journey is unique. Have you ever wondered what makes my journey different from yours? What seminal event occurred in our nascent years that made me embark on a different path from …

Matot Masei: The Three Weeks

July 3, 2021 – 11:42 pm | Comments Off on Matot Masei: The Three Weeks1,052 views

We are in a time of year called the three weeks. During this time, Jerusalem was sacked twice, once by the Babylonians circa 420 BCE and again by the Romans in 69 CE.  Each time, our enemies struck directly at the Jewish heart by destroying the Temple. The Babylonians destroyed …

Matot Masei: Your Daughter

July 28, 2019 – 12:32 am | Comments Off on Matot Masei: Your Daughter1,501 views

Your daughter is born, and you rejoice. You revel with your wife, children, family and friends; there is a new addition to the family. Right? Well only in part. Your daughter is yours, but she is also part of a different family.
The Torah tells us about the daughters of Zelophehad, …

Matos Masei: Marijuana and Knives

July 8, 2018 – 9:38 pm | Comments Off on Matos Masei: Marijuana and Knives2,497 views

Marijuana and knives, what’s the connection?
In his book, The Better Angels of Our Nature,[1] Steven Pinker writes that he always had a difficult time with the rule of etiquette that doesn’t permit using a knife to shovel food onto the fork. He writes that after working without success to coax …

Masei: The Wandering Jew

July 16, 2017 – 1:24 am | Comments Off on Masei: The Wandering Jew2,967 views

Why is the Jew always wandering? We left Egypt and spent the next forty years wandering in a dessert. Throughout our exile, our people have wandered. Even today, Jews who live in stable countries, don’t remain in the same place for long. Even Jews in Israel, wander away in search …

Masei: Back to Basics

July 31, 2016 – 12:00 am | Comments Off on Masei: Back to Basics2,851 views

Basics of LIfe
Are you still in touch with your grade school teachers; the ones that taught you the basics and laid your foundation for life? If you were like me, you looked down on your first grade teacher by the time you reached second grade. He was still in first, …

Masei: The Origins of Terror

July 18, 2014 – 6:35 pm | Comments Off on Masei: The Origins of Terror2,579 views
terror -

Terror Springs From Misery
If you repeat a lie often enough people begin to believe it. The claim that terror is caused by misery and poverty is one such example. It is so often repeated that a guilt ridden West has come to accept it. But no matter how oft a …

Matot Masei: Israel and the Jews

July 17, 2012 – 6:26 pm | Comments Off on Matot Masei: Israel and the Jews3,427 views
Israel and the Jews - innerstream

What Is It?
What is it with Israel and the Jews? Take me for example; my family hasn’t lived in Israel for centuries. In fact I don’t how far back I need to trace my family history to find my roots in Israel. I’ve lived in North America all my life, …