Articles in Vayakhel
If You Have Skills, Use Them

Among the Jews who left Egypt, there were many artisans with special skills. When it was time to build the Tabernacle, they all came forward. The goldsmiths and silversmiths, the weavers and spinners, the builders and carpenters, the blacksmiths and chemists all volunteered their services.
The Torah makes specific mention of …
Vayekhel: With All You Got

Do you live with all you got, or do you hold back out of fear, shame, insecurity, or lack of confidence?
This week we read a special selection from the Torah in honor of the upcoming month, II Adar. It is about the half silver coin. G-d instructs Moses to take …
Vaykahel Pekudei: In Your Heart

Is G-d in your heart, is He at least in your mind, or is He only in your deeds? A tabernacle can be built by deeds, but the most important tabernacle is built in the heart.
When G-d instructed Moshe to build the Tabernacle, the Jewish people contributed more materials than …
Vaykahel Pekudei: Social Distancing

Social distancing connotes the two-meter distance that we maintain to prevent the spread of the dreaded Covid-19. Personally, I dislike the term social distancing because it sounds like we are imposing a social distance, when in fact we are only imposing a physical distance. Socially, we must make an even …
Vayakhel: Sleep is Good

Vayakhel: Sleep is Good
Sleep is good for you, or so they say. But how much sleep is good? Maimonides suggested eight hours—one third of the day. I haven’t met anyone who disagrees with the notion that sleep is good, but I have often wondered why sleep is necessary? Wouldn’t it …
Vayakhel Pekudei: Playing Host to G-d

A Wise Host
The host of the party was worried that there were too many people and not enough refreshments. He was sure that not everyone had been invited, but he had to identify the crashers. So, he called for silence and asked, “Will those from the bride’s side of the …
Vayakhel Pekudei: To Carry Forward

To Raise a Child
If we look back on our upbringing, we will note that we are an amalgam of a huge family. We carry traits from our mothers, fathers, and grandparents. Some of our values were taught by our mothers, some by our fathers, and some by our grandparents. Some …
Vayakhel: Right Down The Middle

One Long Rod
Baseball training begins this week and you know what that means. Everyone is waiting for the fastball right down the middle. Pitchers hope it will blow right by the batter and strike him out. Hitters hope to slap it right out of the ball park. Balls thrown inside …