Articles tagged with: destiny
Vayera: A Person of Destiny
Sodom would soon be aflame, and Lot and his family were being shepherded from the city. It was not his destiny to die that night. It was his destiny to live. But why? Lot thought it was on account of his good deeds, but that wasn’t the case. It was …
Korach: I’m Over-Qualified
Should Have Been the Boss
Have you ever heard of a Jew who isn’t over-qualified for his job? Have you ever heard of a Jew, who can’t do his boss’ job better than his boss? I don’t know about you, but where I live we have a unique custom. After morning …
Shemini: Pre Determinism or Free Choice
If G-d Knew…
When Nadav and Avihu, sons of Aaron, passed away in their prime Moses intimated that their passing was foretold by G-d. [1] Our problem is this: if G-d had foreknowledge of their death, He must have had foreknowledge of the sin for which they died, [2] which raises …
Tazria Metzora: Do We Really Have Free Choice?
When We Are Free
Those among us raised in free societies, whose earliest impressions were molded by values of democracy, cherish the principle of free choice. We believe deeply that the freedom to choose is integral to the human condition and we intuitively reject notions of pre-determinsm.
We cannot stomach the idea …
Bo: G-d Gives, The Thief Taks
The Theft
When my family returned from a two day trip we found our home was burglarized. The thief broke a window to gain access, rifled through drawers, left a mess and walked away with a few meager items and a charity box. The things he took were just things; easily …
Tazria: Touched By Kindness
Am Ordinary Event
The other day something happened that meant little when it occurred, but upon reflection came to mean a great deal. I was entering the post office with a mountain of envelopes balanced precariously in my arms. Taking in the perilous state of my load a girl of perhaps …
Balak: The Chosen People
A Pivotal Moment
They stood arrayed against each other; the best either nation had to offer. On one side stood Moses, highly regarded as the greatest prophet of all time. On the other side was Bilaam, the far famed soothsayer, whose curses were irresistible. (1)
Korach: Turn the Other Cheek
Taking Offense
Have you ever noticed that it takes years to gain maturity and only moments to discard it? I have witnessed grown men and women regress to childlike behavior, when thrust into an argument. Barbs are exchanged, passions rise; before you know it otherwise balanced adults carry on like children. …