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Articles in Miketz

Living is Giving

December 11, 2023 – 9:38 pm | Comments Off on Living is Giving351 views
living is giving

Living is giving is one of the themes of this week’s Torah portion. Joseph rose to prominence in Egypt because of his ability to interpret Pharoh’s dreams. He accurately predicted a seven-year period of plenty when all harvests would be bountiful. The Middle East would enter a phase of incalculable …

Miketz: Emotional Starvation

December 9, 2012 – 7:10 am | Comments Off on Miketz: Emotional Starvation3,457 views
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The Dream of Panic
Pharaoh dreamed that seven thin, unhealthy cows swallowed seven robust cows, but even after consuming the larger cows whole, the thin cows showed no signs of weight gain. Joseph interpreted the dream as a vision for the future. There would be seven years of plenty, followed by …

Chanukah: Naturally in Love with G-d

December 18, 2011 – 2:04 am | Comments Off on Chanukah: Naturally in Love with G-d3,042 views
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The Split
I once asked an audience to tell me which historical factor contributed most to our continuity and one fellow insisted that the correct answer was anti-Semitism. When the nations reject us we have no choice, but to turn inward. When the nations befriend and accept us we tend to blend into the global culture …

Chanukah: A Love Fest

November 28, 2010 – 4:13 am | Comments Off on Chanukah: A Love Fest3,100 views
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The Arithmetic of Light
Every Jewish child masters the Chanukah arithmetic long before graduating from kindergarten. We light one candle on the first night, two on the second, three on the third, till we reach night number eight. In fact every child takes special pleasure in kindling their very own Chanukiah. …

Miketz: Food for Thought at your Dinner table

December 2, 2007 – 2:19 am | Comments Off on Miketz: Food for Thought at your Dinner table2,798 views
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Sunday: To be Affected
Pharaoh dreamed of seven robust cows that were consumed by seven gaunt cows. In retelling his dream Pharaoh observed that the gaunt cows exhibited no appearance of having eaten even after consuming the robust cows. This seemed ominous to Pharaoh. It could not portend good news. Indeed, …

Miketz: From Joseph to Joseph

November 26, 2006 – 2:52 am | Comments Off on Miketz: From Joseph to Joseph2,972 views
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This essay was written shortly after Joe Lieberman was rejected by the Democratic Party and went on to win his senatorial seat in the great State of Connecticut as an independent. At that time, Lieberman held the swing vote in the Senate and because of his reputation for voting his …

Miketz: Who Are We?

December 25, 2005 – 2:41 am | Comments Off on Miketz: Who Are We?2,797 views
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The Lost Child
When I was younger my father often talked of the proverbial child who never got to school on time. If it wasn’t his pants, it was his hat. If it wasn’t his hat, it was his socks. If it wasn’t his clothing, it was his homework. There was …

Miketz: A True Brother

December 23, 2005 – 8:50 pm | Comments Off on Miketz: A True Brother3,086 views
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A Jewish Boy In Egypt
Our Parsha relates the story of Josef in the land of Egypt. What was a good Jewish boy dong in Egypt? Why did he become Viceroy of such a corrupt and immoral land?

There was a famine in the region and Egypt was the only country …