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Articles tagged with: God

Corona: G-d Is Watching

April 14, 2020 – 1:36 pm | Comments Off on Corona: G-d Is Watching3,475 views

G-d is watching all the time. He neither slumbers nor sleeps; never gets distracted or overwhelmed. He is always watching.
I know what you are thinking. You are thinking I am going to sermonize on the theological belief that G-d is watching even in times of difficulty. If we ask where …

Vaetchanan: True Love

August 11, 2019 – 11:11 pm | Comments Off on Vaetchanan: True Love1,976 views
priest - innerstream

G-d wants our love. How much love does He want? Whatever we are prepared to give, and then some.
“And you shall love G-d with all your heart, with all your life, and with all your might.”[1] This verse demands that we give G-d three kinds of love. The love of …

Mishpatim: Finding G-d

January 26, 2019 – 10:39 pm | Comments Off on Mishpatim: Finding G-d1,994 views

Finding G-d in the synagogue is no big deal, that is where you expect Him to be. Finding G-d in your home can be a little trickier, but still not so surprising. Finding G-d at your place of work or at play, in a social setting, at a party, or …

Chukat: For Another

June 25, 2017 – 2:31 pm | Comments Off on Chukat: For Another5,286 views

Only G-d
The best way to reach G-d is to sacrifice everything for another. We learn this from a fascinating detail about the Red Heifer.
When Moses was told that it is possible to be purified even after contact with a dead body, he was surprised. Death, the absence of life, represents …

B’har Bechukotai: Grassroots Jews

May 13, 2017 – 11:49 pm | Comments Off on B’har Bechukotai: Grassroots Jews2,718 views

Is It You?
Every movement likes to call itself “grassroots” because that means it arose from the people. It is better to lead a movement that everyone wants than a movement whose momentum is artificially generated. Grassroots means that the people’s desire generated the movement. When the desire generates a movement, …

Vayera: Finding G-d

November 12, 2016 – 10:05 pm | Comments Off on Vayera: Finding G-d2,602 views

Easier Said Than Done
A priest was baptising children at the ocean when a Jew walked by. The Priest asked, if he would like to be baptised and the Jew agreed. The priest grabbed him and put him under the water. Ten seconds later he gently brought him up and asked …

Ki Tetze: The Strongest Marriage

September 10, 2016 – 10:47 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tetze: The Strongest Marriage2,497 views

A Marriage
“Ah, Marriage,” sighed a middle aged man. “The other day I was admiring myself in a full length mirror and I asked my wife whether she would still like me when I am bald, fat and old. ‘I do,’ she replied.”
Marriages are notorious for one-line zingers, but we tell …

Bechukosai: The Gender Crisis

May 28, 2016 – 11:22 pm | Comments Off on Bechukosai: The Gender Crisis3,108 views

Gender Issues
Even if you live in a cave somewhere in the mountains of Tibet, you have likely heard of the North Carolina Bathroom Bill that requires people to use the bathroom of their birth gender. This law has sparked a gender crisis because there are increasingly those who don’t identify …